42 The First Spell

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"We have to find a way to subdue her."

Maddie could only pant at Crow's statement.

They had cooped themselves up inside Raven's bedroom.

"Do you have any ideas?" Maddie asked, leaning against the closed door.

"I don't," Crow responded. "Reina is always the 'strategist' when it comes to these things. But she is out of commission right now. You?"

"Aside from asking her nicely to have a tea party and swinging a magically dull sword at her, I have nothing. Do you know about anything else that we can use to our advantage?"

Crow paced before her as the tip of his right wing tapped against his beak.

"Well, despite her eyes glowing that way, she is highly sensitive to light in that form," Crow stated.

"And you're only telling me this now?" Maddie asked.

Crow shot her a look. "You could use that gadget of yours and turn on its torchlight."

"I don't think that a small source like that would do anything," Maddie whispered. "She's a dragon!"

Lightning struck again from outside. However, the thunder that accompanied it took a little longer for it to sound.

Crow looked up at the ceiling. "And it looks like this thunderstorm is letting up soon, but not the storm itself." He then looked at Maddie. "Look, we're lucky that Reina left the potion in here," he pointed at the flask on Raven's desk, "but we have to at least try."

"And I am telling you that it won't work since we need a bigger source." Maddie then pulled her knees up to her face, careful to not graze at the band aid that she had stuck onto the gash that she had gotten from earlier. "I just wish that I could do that light spell."

Crow huffed at her before continuing his pacing once more.

Maddie then took out her phone and played the video that she took from earlier.

Raven stood at the center of the screen. Her hand was on her face.

"It's rolling."

Raven sighed as she removed her hand from her face. "Okay. So this is how you cast a light spell…"

However, right after she drew the circle, Raven fainted. And the spell did not materialize into the spell that was intended to be cast.

Maddie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at that part. She could've sworn that she saw something there.

Cerise jumped to catch Raven before she hit the ground, barely giving time for either Madeline or Darling to react.

"Call Reina!" Cerise said.

The video ended.

Maddie rewinded the part of the video wherein Raven drew the spell circle. And she knew that she saw something.

She rewinded it again. This time, she set the speed to slow.

"Okay. So this is how you cast a light spell.."

She paused the video at the right moment.

Before Raven could collapse, a pattern appeared inside the circle.

(A/N: It's the same pattern as the one that Luz learned in the episode "The Intruder".)

Crow stopped in his tracks and looked at her. "Hey, what are you watching?"

The moment he laid his gaze upon the screen, Maddie could have sworn that, for a split second, his lower beak was about to drop.

"What is that?" he asked.

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