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"Madeline!" Maddie heard Lizzie call from behind her. "Maddie!!"

Maddie marched on, determined to get to the sword before sundown. Also, she doesn't want to talk to the black and red haired girl after their encounter from earlier.

She jumped over a fallen tree and took out her sword. The very same one Darling gave her the day before.

'Is Darling my friend?' Maddie asked herself as she cut through a tall weed. She shook her head, not wanting to think about it more. 'Maybe not. Who knows? Maybe she's just like Lizzie.'

"Maddie!" Lizzie continued to call from behind her. "Please! Stop!"

Madeline sighed and stopped on her tracks. She turned around and saw the girl nearly tripping as she made her way towards her. And when Lizzie was finally in front of her, Maddie shot her a smile.

"What do you want?" Maddie asked, trying her best not to sound hurt.

Lizzie was panting, but caught her breath in a matter of seconds. "I couldn't help but notice that you're running away," she replied, gesturing at Maddie's backpack and sword.

Maddie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "No, I'm not."

Now it was Lizzie's turn to be confused. "What?"

"I'm not running away," Maddie repeated.

"Then what are you doing here in the woods?" Lizzie asked. "Don't you know the dangers that lurk in the Dark Forest?" She then visibly froze and straightened up. "Not that I care," she added.

Maddie stood her ground, not wanting to start an argument where she will be the loser. "I'm on a quest," she simply responded.

Lizzie opened her mouth to argue, but it never came.

Instead, a new voice spoke from nearby.

"She who seeks a sharp key shall see, a path watched upon by one who goes by Me."

Maddie stepped through the bush behind her, spotting a rainbow-colored bridge. And on the bridge was a… a boy their age in knight armor?

He had jet black hair, fierce blue eyes, and light tan skin. And on his armor was some kind of crest.

Maddie approached him. But the boy took out his sword and pointed it at her, ready to attack.

"Who goes there?!" he exclaimed.

Maddie raised both her hands up in surrender and let out a nervous chuckle. "Just a girl… looking for a sword… thingy," she replied.

The boy squinted at her and looked her up and down. Then his eyes went wide. "Are you the Chosen One?" he asked, lowering his sword.

Maddie hesitantly nodded, even if she just went on the quest to find out if it was true.

The boy put back his sword into his scabbard and saluted at Maddie. "At your service, Chosen One."

At that moment, Lizzie came out of the bush.

"Maddie, you--" the black and red haired girl began.

The boy took out his sword once again and pointed it at Lizzie. "Who are you, commoner?" he cut in.

Lizzie gasped, clearly offended.

Maddie looked back at the boy. "She's no one."

"I am most certainly not a commoner! Much less, a 'no one'!" Lizzie argued from behind Maddie. "I am the princess of Wonderland!"

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