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Tara and I were back to normal by the next day. She apologized to me when I got back to the house and  told her that I just wasn't ready for that and I should have told her beforehand. That's only half a lie. I don't think I'm ready for something like that but I was that night, mostly because I was pretty drunk for most of it.

The next day we went swimming at the beach and yes, I swam too. Hudson got me the top he talked about and I wore shorts long enough to cover up everything.  It was extremely fun to ride the waves on our (what I call) blown up donuts (I'm not sure what else you'd call them but there donut shaped so whatever). Ray tried to sit on top of his instead of inside of it and when a wave came he got flipped over. We're still laughing at him for that. His face when he realized he was going to flip was priceless.

The next two days we went to a huge water park. You should already e able to realize how big it is because it took us two days to ride everything we wanted to. I got some weird looks for what I wore. Sorry I'm not dressed in a revealing bikini. Stupid people.

The day after that we went to a festival going on. There were beautiful lights shining and some amazing food served. There were these carnival like games and I won Tara a stuffed dolphin and she won me a stuffed turtle. Ray and Hudson got each other these cute leather bracelets with each other's names on them. They gave each other the one with the others name so that, as Ray said, they'd 'always be with each other.' At the end of the day they had fireworks going off. I watched fireworks sparkle in Tara's eyes and her sweet smile when a new one would go off. She turned to me and kissed me softly. She caressed my cheek and over the fireworks I could hear her say "I love you."

On Tuesday and Wednesday we went to the huge mall there. We didn't buy much but it was still fun to go and goof around in the shops.

Thursday we swam in the pool and sat in the Jacuzzi. We took turns being the person to serve drinks (non-alcoholic. No more alcohol for this group of friends).

Friday we went to the beach again and had sand castle building competitions. We stayed and watched the sunset, sad to be leaving the next day.

So I think you can already guess how Saturday went. We packed, we left. We didn't get home until early Sunday though. Sunday we slept and tried not to think about how awful going back to school was  going to be. Lucky Tara gets to stay home and take her online classes.

Monday was awful. Everyone was tired and cranky. The bullying came back then. Hudson got called out for hanging around me again and I tried to stand up for him but failed miserably. They laughed at us and walked away calling us faggots. I rolled my eyes at them. They called Hudson that and didn't even know he was gay. Bitches.

"Why does everyone have to be so pissy?" Hudson asked annoyed.

"Because people are either one of two things. One being nice, quiet, or not giving a shit. Two being a bitch, pissy, and just fucking rude and annoying."

"So what I'm hearing is that most of this school is two, right?"

I laughed. "Right."

"Hey bitch. Oh my have you made a friend? You queer too?" Oh god not again.

"Please just go away Brianna." I said.

"Shut up fag." She spat.

"I don't see who your calling a 'fag' here. You're the same as I am." I said.

"Lie all you want whore, it won't change you."

"Who says Alex needs changing? She's amazing. You on the other hand..." Hudson scoffed.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking about?! Who the fuck are you anyways?!" Brianna shouted. Where the fuck are the teachers as always?

"My name's Hudson. I'm Alex's friend."

"Hudson, huh? From the looks of it you've got to be a homo freak too. Besides the fact that anyone who talks to Alexandria is queer you've got that on your wrist." I looked over and noticed he was wearing the bracelet with Ray's name on it.

"This is just a friend of mine's bracelet." Hudson said. He's getting nervous. Oh no. If he acts like that then they'll know for sure and he'll be bullied even more.

"Really? Because I think you're lying. You see I'm pretty sure I know the Ray you're talking about and I wouldn't put it past him to be gay and dating someone so faggish as you."

"Shut the fuck up and go away Brianna!" I yelled. More people looked over to watch what was going on.

Brianna slapped me and yelled "I don't need to be talked to like that by a lesbian slut like you!"

"You can hit me and call me what you want but guess what?! That won't change a thing. You'll still be as gay as I am but I'm the one who got her.  She's just someone who hates you now and she's my girlfriend!"

"SHUT UP!" Brianna yelled and slapped me again before running off in tears. Everyone was staring at me and I just sat back down and looked at Hudson.

"That was the girl who I saw when I first came to you guys' house, wasn't it?" Hudson asked.

"It was." I sighed.

Later that day Ray asked us what the hell happened. Apparently the story that got to him was that Brianna and I got into a fist fight and I owned her ass. Not exactly what went down but whatever. I explained it to him and after he gave me a sympathy hug  for dealing with her and getting slapped twice, he asked Hudson if he was okay. He didn't get any punches thrown his way but he did receive a fair amount of harsh words.

When we got outside Ray kissed Hudson sweetly and I had to hold back an 'awwww'.  Another moment ruined though by a girl shrieking

"Holy shit Ray's gay!"

Well fuck. It's going to be hell tomorrow for the two of them.

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