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The ride was going to be about an hour and Tara drove. I sat in the passenger seat and talked with her for most of the time seeing as Hudson and Ray were being an obnoxious couple. I'm probably just more jealous about the fact that they both have each other to be all cuddly with. Tara must have seen that I was getting kind of sad because she reached over with one hand and gave my hand a squeeze. I looked over at her and she gave me a quick smile before focusing back on the road. That smile and gesture was enough to make me feel better though. At least good enough to survive the rest of the drive.

When we got to the amusement park Tara grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me over to a cotton candy vendor. I'm not actually fond of the stuff but Tara loves it so I got some too.

She ran over to a photo booth in the arcade part and sat down and waited for me to catch up. "We should make weird faces the first two pictures, and then the other two are just nice looking pictures."

"Alright." I agreed. The first picture she had made a weird face while trying to eat her cotton candy and I had tried to look as awkward as possible. The second picture I posed during a weird dance move and Tara had made a face when she started falling from her seat. The third picture we were laughing once she got back into her seat. The fourth picture we were just smiling at each other. When we got out I ripped the pictures apart and gave her the first and third ones since that's what she wanted.

We rode tons of rides all day. I didn't really like the weird spinning ride but I handled riding it better than Ray had. Him and Hudson had rode about 7 rides with us before going off on their own. This is more of a date for them. They really are the most adorable couple.

Tara and I had lunch together at this spooky themed café and all the servers were dressed up as different supernatural creatures. The whole time we ate she talked about all the rides there still were that we needed to get on.

It was actually getting pretty hot which wasn't good for me since I was in a sweater. Tara thought that we should get on this rapid water ride to cool off. We rode on a tube and buckled up. It bumped around on its track and occasionally a water sprayer would go off or a small wave would hit and get one of us wet. After that we got on a swing ride a few times and the drop tower  few times to dry off.

Another two hours later we were back walking around where the big fountain at the front of the park was. She sat down by it and smiled up at the sky.

"Today was amazing!" Tara exclaimed.

"It's not over just yet. We've got some more time to ride something else." I looked around at how beautiful everything was. The sun was setting and the colorful lights everywhere were coming on. It seemed though that the whole place was filled with couples. I just saw more and more people holding hands walk by. I wish I could take Tara's. I doubt she'll take mine...

"Come on!" Tara said and grabbed my hand.

We ran over to the Ferris wheel and waited in line. During the wait Tara didn't let go of my hand. I wasn't going to mention it though. I was glad that she wasn't letting go because I wouldn't be able to get it back after she let go. When we got to it we had a ride to ourselves and she finally did let go.

"The view is amazing from up here." Tara said as we reached the top. She had her palms against the window as she looked out at the park.

The lights were shining in Tara's eyes and she had this amazing smile on her face. "It really is."

She looked back at me and I didn't realize I had been staring at her. I blinked a few times and shyly looked away. She came closer to me and put her hand under my chin and I looked up. Time seemed to slow down as she inched closer to me. Finally though her lips met mine in the sweetest kiss imaginable. Right then it actually felt like my heart had started beating again. I never thought I'd feel so good after losing everything. But now, I have Tara. Or at least, after this I hope I will. Wont I?

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