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I woke up maybe an hour later when I was pushed of my bed.

"Ouch." I mumbled and sat up. "Oh no..."

"Hi hun. Glad you're awake now." My stepdad said.

"No please. Don't." I said.

"Sorry but I told you that you aren't supposed to ever do this. I said that when I get home I expect you to be at the door to say hello and then make me my meal. Now you have to be punished." He said. He slapped me over and over again and called me nasty things.

"Oh and my little lesbian whore of a step daughter, always make sure your wearing something skanky for our guests." He said and walked out of the room.

I heard him in the living room chatting and laughing with a whole bunch of his friends. I opened up the window in my room and slipped out. I ran until I was at a little café that was lit up like a Christmas tree.

I walked in and sat down at a little table and after sitting for ten minutes a waiter came to ask me if I was going to order anything. I told him to get me a glass of water and a bread roll. He did and then left me to be alone.

After a while I got up and walked over to the register to pay. I looked up to see the clock on the wall – 8:23 p.m. I lowered my head back down when someone came up to the register. I handed them the money and they grabbed it but didn't take it away.

"Alexandria?" They asked.

I looked up just barely and saw Tara. I nodded and lowered my head again.

"Hey I've seen you twice in one day, what a coincidence. Maybe the fates really want us to be friends or something." She said.

"Maybe." I said emotionless.

"Alex? Hey you okay?" she asked with concern.

"Just f-"

"Don't you dare say fine. Hey Carl I think I'm going to leave a few minutes early if that's okay with you." She called to someone in the back. She took off her apron and walked around to me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a table.

"So what's up? Is it the bullies? And why can't I see your face?" she asked.

"It's nothing. Can I just go now? I handed you the money so I'm going." I said. I stood up be she yanked me back into my seat. When she did this my hood moved just enough for her to see a bit of my face.

"Oh my god Alex what the hell happened to you?" she asked.

I looked up at her and she saw all of my face and gasped.

"Did they jump you or what? Damn you really got beaten." She said.

"They caught me on my way home after I left the park." I said.

"Are you alright? Man your parents must have been upset by this. What did they say? Wait, why are you here?" she asked.

"I don't have my parents anymore. Just a stepdad." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry what happened? What did he say about this?" she asked.

"My dad died when I was 2 and my mom got remarried when I was 7. She died when I turned 12 and left me with him."

"Why do you say 'him' like that?" she asked.

"Because in no way do I want him affiliated with a role near 'dad'. You wanna know how he reacted? He slapped me because I forgot to play my role as the women of the house and cook a meal for him when he got home." I said and started crying.

The workers gave us weary looks and she put her arm me and took me outside.

"He hit you?" Tara asked.

"Over and over again. This isn't the first time and it was actually the gentlest he has been in a while." I said and tried wiping my tears away. That didn't work because new ones just formed anyways.

"Oh hun that's awful. You are definitely not going back there." she said.

"W-what?" I asked.

"You heard me. You're crashing at my house and your staying for as long as you need." She said.

"Are you serious?" I asked choking back tears.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" she asked.

"Because everyone thinks I'm disgusting. No one likes me once they know me." I said.

"Now why would they think that?" she asked.

"Because I'm gay." I said and put my head down. She was silent and I knew that she must be judging me. She would slap me and say something like 'you disgusting little shit why didn't you tell me that before?'

Instead she said "Well you know what?"

"What?" I asked.

"I'm gay too." She said.

I looked up at her and she smiled at me. Even after knowing what I am she smiles at me. And for once it is a genuine smile.

Cut & Abandoned (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now