50. (START OF PART. 2)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah but there's going to be rain, smoke, thunder and lightening" she added making me laugh. "But it's all fake you act like you're in a simulator for a tornado or something" I joked as she laughed. "The water I bet isn't even going to touch you, is it?" I questioned. "No but that's not the point" she said as I chuckled. "Why do you do this?" I asked "what?" She asked as her all black orchestra came onto the stage getting ready. "Be acting like you ain't got it" I answered "be acting like you not that woman like you ain't sell out your whole entire tour, like you ain't winning your Grammys for tonight and performing at the Super Bowl next weekend?" I hyped. "Don't get me started D" she said as I could tell she was smiling on the other end. "Like you ain't out here selling ACTUAL albums" I said hearing her laugh on the other end. "I promise you when I see you in Vegas for your fight it's a wrap" she said as I smiled.

"It's wrap?" I asked in a small smirk "yeah it's a wrap" she agreed. "What you trying to do?" I asked. "What you think I'm trying to do. Don't get me caught up in this dressing room" she said making me chuckle. "I'm still kind of down about my mother and Mary-Anne not being able to be out here with me" she brought up. "And then Chris is giving Cassie and Travis a run for their money so they couldn't show up" Y/N said referring to our God son which was Cassie and Travis's 2 year old son. "At least you got jasmine" I assured. "Yeah" she said. "And EVERYONE is watching from at home ESPECIALLY Mary-Anne" I stressed as Y/N giggled. "She called me every other day while on tour to make sure I was okay, to talk and to pray" Y/N informed as I smiled. "Yeah Mary-Anne loves you" I honestly assured. "I hope so I've been putting up with your big headed self" she joked as I chuckled. "Oh you got jokes" I said .

"Yup" she agreed "I'll see you eventually" I assured her making her giggle. "I'm about to go on, so I'll call you when I leave the Grammys" she assured. "Aight, I love you" I started off "you're going to do good" I reminded. "Love you too" she said before we said our goodbyes and I hung up. The lights eventually went low and then it got dark we heard thunder as a spotlight shined on the pianist and the flutes of the orchestra while they did their solo intros. Fog was everywhere on the floor of the stage. "She acting like she's lying on the floor breathing in the fog" i thought to myself as a spotlight shined onto her. She stood there in an all white dress as some of her hair was pulled back.

"Welcome to the Grammy's" she said through the music her orchestra was playing lowly.

"Welcome to the Grammy's" she said through the music her orchestra was playing lowly

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