Chapter -18

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In the aftermath of Atharv's passing, Athrith found himself grappling with a sense of loss that seemed insurmountable. The bond he had shared with his twin brother was irreplaceable, and amidst the grief, Athrith was confronted with another emotion – the weight of an unspoken regret.

He is in love with Amritha who is an orphan working as a servant in his home he knows that his family surely not accept Amritha as his wife.

Athrith had always believed that Atharv would be the bridge between him and his family, smoothing the path for his love with Amritha. He had hoped that his brother's innate charm and ability to navigate delicate situations would aid in winning their family's acceptance. But Atharv's sudden departure had shattered those hopes, leaving Athrith with a sense of missed opportunity.

As he stood by Atharv's memorial, surrounded by the memories of their shared moments, Athrith's thoughts were consumed by what could have been. He looked at Amritha, who stood beside him, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and empathy.

"Athrav was always the one who could make things right," Athrith whispered, his voice tinged with regret. "He had a way of connecting with people, of understanding their hearts."

Amritha's hand found his, her touch offering a silent comfort. "Athrith, I understand how much Atharv meant to you. He had a rare gift of bringing people together."

Athrith nodded, his gaze distant as he remembered the times when Atharv's mere presence had diffused tensions and healed rifts. Atharv had been the one who smoothed the rough edges, who made their family feel like a unit bound by love.

As days turned into weeks, Athrith found himself grappling with the unspoken words he had wished to share with Atharv. He had longed to express his love for Amritha openly, to seek his brother's understanding and guidance. The thought of Atharv's reaction, his knack for finding solutions, had given Athrith a sense of security.

But now, Athrith was left with the bitter taste of regret. The words he had intended to share with Atharv remained unsaid, locked within his heart, forever hidden from his brother's ears. It was a void that seemed impossible to fill, a missed chance that gnawed at him.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Athrith found himself standing in the garden, a place that had once been witness to their shared laughter and conversations. Amritha joined him, her presence a source of solace amidst the turmoil within him.

"Athrith," she began gently, her voice carrying a warmth that eased his pain.

He turned towards her, his gaze meeting hers. "Amritha, there's something I've been wanting to say."

Amritha's eyes held a depth of understanding, her expression an invitation for him to speak.

He took a deep breath, his voice laced with a mixture of vulnerability and regret. "Amritha, I had hoped that Atharv would be the one to talk to our family about us. I wanted him to pave the way for our love to be accepted."

Amritha's gaze softened, her understanding evident. "Athrith, I know how much you cared for Atharv's opinion. But remember, our love is real, and it doesn't need anyone's validation."

Athrith nodded, a mixture of gratitude and sadness in his eyes. "I understand that now, Amritha. It's just... I wish I could have shared my feelings with him. I wish I could have sought his advice."

Amritha's hand found his once again, her touch a reassurance that he wasn't alone in his emotions. "Athrith, what matters is that we have each other. Our love is strong, and together, we can face whatever challenges come our way."

As Athrith looked into Amritha's eyes, he felt a glimmer of hope within him. While the regret over the unspoken words with Atharv would always linger, he knew that the love he shared with Amritha was something to cherish and hold onto. In the absence of Atharv's guidance, they would navigate their own path, creating their own journey of love, understanding, and acceptance.

As they stood in the garden, surrounded by the memories of the past and the promise of their future, Athrith found a sense of peace amidst the chaos of regret. In Amritha's presence, he discovered that love could transcend even the barriers of missed opportunities, forging a connection that was unbreakable, even in the shadow of Atharv's absence.

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