Chapter -6

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Determined to put an end to the situation, Maya decides to follow Priya's suggestion and try to obtain the film negatives from Raghu. She visits the advertising agency that he mentioned during their conversation, hoping to confront him and get the evidence that will ensure her privacy is respected.

Maya arrives at the agency, but to her shock, she discovers that the real Raghu is not the stalker. Her hopes of finally finding a resolution are dashed.

Maya: (frustrated) This can't be happening. He lied about everything.

Feeling frustrated and unsure of what to do next, Maya receives a phone call from the stalker, who now introduces himself as Mohan, the owner of a leading architecture firm. He apologizes for his actions and expresses remorse for causing her distress.

Mohan: (on the phone) Maya, I'm so sorry for what I've put you through. I've realized the wrong I've done, and I want to make amends.

Maya: (firmly) What do you want, Mohan? Why have you been invading my privacy like this?

Mohan: I want to meet you in person and explain everything. Can we meet tomorrow?

Maya, feeling a mix of anger, curiosity, and apprehension, agrees to meet Mohan the next day. She hopes that this meeting will finally provide her with answers and closure.

The next day, Maya arrives at the location Mohan suggested for their meeting. However, as she meets the real Mohan, the owner of the architecture firm, she realizes that once again, she's been deceived.

Maya: (confused and irritated) This is unbelievable. You're not the person who's been stalking me!

Real Mohan: (irritated) I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a busy person, and I don't have time for this nonsense.

Maya's frustration continues to grow as she faces yet another lie and deception. She begins to realize that the stalker is playing mind games, leading her on false trails and to incorrect individuals. Despite the setbacks, Maya remains resolute in her determination to uncover the truth and put an end to the stalking once and for all.

While discussing her recent encounters with Priya, Maya's phone rings, and she sees that it's a call from her uncle and aunt. She answers the call, only to be met with their understandable frustration and concern.

Maya: (on the phone, apologetic) Hello, Uncle Ganesh, Aunty Vimala. I'm really sorry for not calling you. I know I should have, but things have been a bit chaotic here.

Uncle Ganesh: (concerned) Maya, we were worried sick about you. It's important to keep in touch, especially when you're in a new city.

Aunty Vimala: (worried) We understand you have your own life now, but we still care about you.

Maya: I know, Aunty. And I'm sorry. From now on, I promise I'll call you both every day to let you know I'm okay.

Uncle Ganesh: That's all we ask for, Maya. Just stay safe and keep us updated.

Maya: I will, Uncle. I promise I won't let this happen again.

As Maya hangs up the phone, she's reminded of the importance of staying connected with her family, even as she deals with the challenges in her current situation. She turns to Priya and explains the conversation.

Maya: (sighing) Priya, I should have been more responsible about keeping in touch with my family. The stalker issue really threw me off track.

Priya: It's understandable, Maya. But now that you've promised to call them daily, I'm sure they'll feel reassured.

Maya: You're right. I need to maintain a balance between handling this stalker situation and staying connected with my loved ones.

Maya appreciates Priya's understanding and support, knowing that she can rely on her friend during both the difficult moments and the everyday challenges of her life in Bangalore.

In an effort to lighten Maya's mood and take a break from the stress of the stalker situation, Maya and Priya decide to go for a stroll along the beach near their apartment. The sound of the waves and the fresh sea breeze provide a calming backdrop as they walk along the shoreline.

Maya: (taking a deep breath) This feels so refreshing, Priya. I really needed this break from everything.

Priya: (smiling) I'm glad we're taking some time to unwind, Maya. The beach has a way of soothing the mind.

As they walk, they watch the waves crashing against the shore, seagulls soaring in the sky, and people enjoying various activities along the beachfront.

Maya: (reflecting) You know, it's moments like this that remind me to focus on the beauty around us and not let the stalker consume my thoughts.

Priya: Absolutely, Maya. We can't let one negative aspect overshadow the positivity in our lives.

They find a spot to sit and continue their conversation, discussing their dreams, goals, and all the things that bring them joy.

Maya: (smiling) I'm so grateful for our friendship, Priya. You've made such a positive impact on my life since I've come to Bangalore.

Priya: (grinning) Likewise, Maya. We're in this journey together, supporting each other through thick and thin.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the beach, Maya's mood begins to lift. The simple pleasures of the beach and the company of her friend remind her that there's so much more to life than the challenges she's facing.

Maya: (content) Thank you, Priya, for suggesting this. It's exactly what I needed.

Priya: (playfully) Anytime, Maya. Remember, no matter what we face, there's always a beautiful sunset waiting for us.

With their spirits lifted and a renewed sense of determination, Maya and Priya continue to stroll along the beach, enjoying the present moment and strengthening their bond as friends.

After their relaxing stroll on the beach, Maya and Priya return home. They share a cozy dinner, exchanging stories and laughter, which helps Maya temporarily set aside her worries about the stalker. As the night approaches, they both retire to their rooms, ready to get a good night's sleep.

As Maya lies in bed, her mind still restless, she finds herself mentally determined to find a way to uncover the stalker's identity. Despite the challenges she's faced, she's unwilling to let fear and uncertainty control her life.

Maya: (thinking) I can't keep letting this stalker dictate my thoughts and actions. I need to take control and find a way to reveal who he is.

With renewed determination, Maya knows that the road ahead won't be easy, but she's committed to exploring all possible avenues to uncover the truth. As she drifts off to sleep, a sense of purpose fills her, pushing her to continue the fight against the unknown figure that has been invading her privacy.

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