Chapter -15

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The room was adorned with warm, soft hues as Maya sat on the couch, clutching her phone in her trembling hands. Her heart raced, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within her. She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to share her life-changing news with the two people who had been her pillars of support since childhood – her uncle Ganesh and aunty Vimala.

With a determined exhale, Maya dialed their number, her heart pounding in her chest as the phone rang. After a few moments, her uncle's voice filled the line, a familiar comfort in the midst of her jumbled emotions.

"Hello, Maya. How are you, dear?" her uncle greeted warmly.

Maya's voice wavered slightly as she replied, "I'm well, Uncle Ganesh. I have something important to share with you and aunty."

A sense of curiosity tinged with concern was evident in her uncle's response. "Of course, Maya. What is it?"

Maya took a deep breath, her voice steadier now. "Uncle, aunty, I want you to know that I've met someone very special. His name is Atharv."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a thoughtful hum from her aunt. "Atharv? That's a lovely name. Tell us more about him."

Maya's heart swelled as she began to share the story of her journey with Atharv – their chance meeting, the blossoming friendship, and the deep connection that had grown between them. She spoke of their shared dreams, their moments of laughter, and the unwavering support he had offered her.

"He's unlike anyone I've ever met, Uncle. Atharv is kind, compassionate, and he truly understands me," Maya confessed, her voice filled with a mix of enthusiasm and emotion.

Her uncle's response was thoughtful, his words measured. "Maya, we're glad to hear that you've found someone who brings you happiness. But remember, dear, relationships are complex. Take your time to truly get to know him."

Maya nodded, even though her uncle couldn't see her. "I understand, Uncle. I just wanted you and aunty to know about Atharv. He's an important part of my life."

Her aunt's voice held a touch of warmth as she spoke, "Maya, we trust your judgment. If Atharv makes you happy and treats you well, then we're happy for you too."

A rush of relief and gratitude washed over Maya. "Thank you, aunty. Your support means the world to me."

As the conversation continued, Maya shared more details about Atharv and their plans for the future. She felt a renewed sense of connection with her uncle and aunt, knowing that they were there for her every step of the way.

After the call ended, Maya sat back on the couch, a content smile on her lips. The weight of sharing her newfound love had lifted, replaced by a sense of acceptance and understanding. Maya knew that her uncle and aunty's words of caution were grounded in love, and she was grateful for their unwavering presence in her life.

In the days that followed, Maya continued to build her relationship with Atharv, cherishing the moments they shared and navigating the challenges that came their way. With each passing day, her bond with Atharv deepened, and her heart grew more certain of the love they had found in each other.

The next day sun streamed through the office window, casting a warm glow over Maya's desk as she immersed herself in her work. The hum of activity around her seemed to fade into the background as she focused on the task at hand, the rhythm of typing and the occasional sound of ringing phones creating a familiar backdrop to her daily routine.

As the afternoon sun reached its zenith, Maya's concentration was broken by the shrill ring of her own phone. With a frown of confusion, she picked up the call, her heart beginning to race as she registered the urgency in the voice on the other end.

"Maya, it's Priya," the voice quivered, a stark contrast to the usually cheerful tone Maya was accustomed to.

"Priya, what's wrong?" Maya's voice trembled with a mixture of concern and fear.

"It's Atharv... Maya, he... he's fallen from a building. They're saying he's... he's dead," Priya's words hung in the air, the weight of their meaning settling over Maya like a heavy shroud.

Time seemed to stand still as Maya processed the devastating news. Atharv, the love of her life, the man who had swept her off her feet and filled her days with joy, was gone. The world around her began to blur, the sounds of the office fading into a distant echo as shock and grief threatened to engulf her.

Maya's mind raced as she tried to comprehend the reality of what she had just heard. The memories of their shared moments – the rooftop proposal, the laughter-filled conversations, and the dreams they had woven together – flashed before her eyes, a poignant reminder of what had been and what was now lost.

With trembling hands, Maya lowered the phone, her gaze fixed on the desk before her. Her heart felt heavy, as if an anchor had been dropped into the depths of her being. The bustling office seemed to move in slow motion, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions that raged within her.

Unable to remain in the suffocating confines of her office, Maya excused herself and stepped out into the open air. The city of Bangalore, bustling and vibrant, continued to move forward, unaware of the personal tragedy that had befallen her. Her footsteps carried her to a nearby park, where she sank onto a bench, the weight of grief pressing down on her chest.

She closed her eyes, allowing the memories of Atharv to flood her mind. His laughter, his kindness, and the depth of their connection were etched into her heart, a testament to the love they had shared. Tears welled up in her eyes, her shoulders shaking with the weight of her sorrow.

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