Reid let out a sigh, then turned me to face him. "They're not blind. They just don't want to..." he trailed off and sighed again before he continued. "They don't want to ruin their mission. Their task is to observe without taking any risks that Hill figures out he's being watched."

"And let the kid suffer in the process?" I asked, though I wasn't surprised. Only angry.


"You know what? I fucking hate this army," I told him.

"So do I," Reid said, which surprised me a little. "Come. Let's get something to eat."

"First, tell me why you're still here if you hate it so much?" I asked.

"I'm not leaving Captain," he said, patted my arm, and stood up. "He's saving this world one person at a time, and he needs help. That's why we're all here. Now, come, or you'll have to eat alone."

"I'm not your dog," I said, wrinkling my nose, but stood up anyway.

"You're my partner. Same difference," he said with a tiny grin.

I snorted in amusement and followed him out of the surprisingly empty tech room. I'd not even noticed most of the guys had already left.

"So did you have any luck?" I asked Reid.

"Not yet, but it will take a while before I'll get any results. I did find fifty-two vehicles to track down already, though."

"Fifty-two?" I repeated in surprise.

"I included known family members and other close people to our targets, just in case," Reid explained. "They're most likely borrowing cars to get around. They won't be using public transport if they have even half a set of brains."

"Right, right," I said. "Is that normally your job, then? To track vehicles?"

"Whenever there's cars to follow, yeah. Wouldn't say I'm an expert, but vehicles are my thing here," he explained.

"Oh? Do the others have their own things as well?" I asked.

"Some of them. For example, Nico is the computer guy, and out on the field he's the long-range support. The kid can shoot you in the eye at two thousand yards," he said.

"That's impressive," I agreed. "And the rest?"

"Well, Keita is the medic and Chandler is the pilot, Rio and Ash – the fucking lunatics – are the demolition crew, and Ryan and Ethan usually handle most of the stakeouts and gathering intel," he said, and glanced at me in curiosity. "And now you're the silent assassin of our team."

"That's me, I guess," I muttered as we entered the kitchen.

We went to grab our plates, and after filling them up, Reid went to sit at an empty table in the corner. When I didn't follow him fast enough, he patted his leg like he was commanding a dog. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is that going to be a thing from now on?" I asked as I sat opposite him.

"Just messing with you," he said, smirking a little.

I didn't really mind. I was just glad he wanted me to follow him. I assumed he was just testing my temper, while accidentally showing me he had a playful side under his hate, anger, and sadness.

"So, are the vehicles your only thing, then?" I asked.

"That and bashing skulls in," he said with a shrug. "Which is why I'm curious to see why everyone else thinks you and I are a good fit. I'm loud as fuck when I fight."

"Well you can be the diversion," I said.

"Hmm. I guess," he said, still watching me. "Anyway, if you want, I can help you out while I wait for the results. I have the license plates running through our database, so it'll take a while before I have anything to do."

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