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After visiting the hospital, Rayne delivered me back to my house. We haven't slept much for the past couple of days, and we both decided to have a break for this day. But Rayne said that she wanted to talk to my parents first.

When I opened the door, my mother and father immediately lunged forward.

"Thank god you're alright!" Both my parents cried.

However, it is not me who they are talking to. It was Rayne. Both my parents hugged her as if she was their daughter and I am an outsider. I'm not that touchy with my parents, so I don't mind if they hug Rayne instead of me.

"E-Eh?" Rayne uttered in confusion.

"Are you alright, my dear Rayne?" My mother asked as she checked Rayne's body, from toe to head. She even checked under the skirt, like what the hell!

"A-Ah, y-yeah. I'm alright. Thanks to your son." Rayne blushed as she scratched her cheek.

"That's great!" My mother exclaimed, and then she glared at me. "Good for you. If my dear Rayne got as much as a scratch on her, I will disown you."

"I think you have disowned me a long time ago..." I whispered to myself.

Meanwhile, my father stood tall, his arms crossed, and his eyes were glaring at me. "Joining the Battle Fiesta is one thing, but now you're having Rayne participate in a street brawl! The police visited us this morning and informed us about the mess!"

"Uh, Mister Chaldeas..." Rayne stood up for me. "I-It's not a street brawl, it's quite bigger than that. I want to discuss some things with you, so if you have the time-"

"Of course, we have time for you, our adorable Rayne!" My mother said as she welcomed my fiance into our house. "Come on in! What would you like? Coffee? Tea?"

"Um, coffee, please," Rayne answered.

"Me too. I want some coffee." I said.

"You prepare your coffee, Elzane! What use are your two hands for?" My mother hissed. "Go make some coffee for your betrothed too, if you're responsible enough!"

Why do I always get the short end of the stick here!?

And so, Rayne and my parents settled in the living room while I brewed my and my lover's coffee. They started discussing as I soon distributed the coffee cups on the table. I even prepared my parents' coffee cups as a bonus.

The atmosphere became awkward but light when I settled into the living room. My parents took a sip of their respective coffee in a synchronized manner, and then my mother asked.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about, Rayne? Just tell us whatever you need, and Elzane will do it for you."

"It's something Zane can do, but I want to ask permission first," Rayne said as soon as she finished sipping her creamy coffee. "Yesterday, a horrible person attacked Zane. As his betrothed, I wanted him to be safe all the time. So I wanted your permission for your son to cohabitate with me in my condo unit at the city proper."

"Okay." My parents said nonchalantly.

"I am confident enough to keep your son safe since I am a Gladiatrix. Besides, the assailant is already specifically targeting him, so... wait, what?" Rayne was interrupted upon realizing my parents' approval.

"We said it's okay." My father said, "You two are lovers and engaged to each other anyway, so you two ought to be trying to get to know each other. I'm sure your father would be very proud of you, Rayne."

"Elzane is a waste of space in this house anyway. Since he's already of legal age, he should have been staying out of this house already." My mother explained.

Rayne clasped her hands and her purple eyes glittered. "Really?"

"Of course. Elzane is all yours. As long as he can keep you safe, it is all good!" My mother said,

"Thank you!" Rayne bowed politely. "You don't know how much you advanced my plans of repopulating the Treenity Clan- I mean, the improvement of Treenity Innovations if you let Zane live with me! I will keep an eye on Zane and protect him at all costs!"

"Sure!" My mother nodded.

Meanwhile, I am just a background character in this series of weird conversations between my parents and future wife. Their intentions are oozing right out of their noses, and they seem to forget that I am here with them. No, I think my parents don't give a shit even if I'm here or not.

Well, it's not like I don't want to live with Rayne. I enjoy her company even though I am introverted, and there are no dull moments whenever I'm with her. And us living together will give me more security than living in this house. I remember Raynevere Treenity looking at this house yesterday, and she will be targeting me from now on.

But one problem persists. How about the security of my parents?

All of a sudden, Rayne took two plane tickets from her skirt's pocket and presented them at the dining table. She smiled as she said one more absurd thing.

"It will be dangerous for Mister and Missis Chaldeas to stay in this house at this moment, so I decided to buy an island with a vacation house in Hawaii. I suggest you take a break there until the situation cools down." Rayne said.

Almost instantaneously after Rayne's explanation, my parents immediately grabbed the tickets. "Alright!" they both said with a smile.

"This is settled then!" Rayne clasped her hands and smiled. "Have fun on your honeymoon!"

"You too!" My parents greeted me back. "Have fun procreating!"

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