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After that eventful happiest moment of our life night, it's back to our stressful daily routines. Now that Raynevere is the president of Treenity Innovations, she will dedicate most of her time to managing her clan's corporation. As my girlfriend is busy with these business matters, all the investigations will be pushed to me.

I still have to learn about the Numbered Kaisers, the Raynevere Clones, the Masked Kaiser: Raynevere Treenity, and the Elder God named Mechanoss she was trying to summon upon this world. However, I have to delay going to the archive room for another day as I have more pressing and urgent matters to attend to.

I am in front of a mansion located on the northernmost side of the Saltside City. This mansion is secluded and surrounded by a forest of pine trees, and the famous Mt. Karasuna is just a couple of kilometers away from this place. The only way to go here is to have private transportation.

I do not want to disturb Raynevere on her duties, so I went to this place by myself. Good thing I called Ryan Radars in advance, so he provided me with a limousine service to fetch me from my house.

And here I am now, at the Yuusha Mansion. It is a classic U-shaped building with brown tiles on its roof, and the walls are made of bricks. There is also a garden of lycoris flowers at the entrance, and a fountain sprinkling crystal-clear droplets of water at the center of the entrance.

"Good morning, Mister Elzane Chaldeas." The purple-haired cat girl made a curtsy. She is wearing a black dress that looks like a casual nightgown that is short enough to show her slender legs.

"Good morning, Miss Himeno Yuusha." I bowed.

Having this greeting with a rival and former enemy was quite a breath of fresh air. Just a week ago, I am sure she intended to gut me alive with my betrothed. It's so relieving that she has considered us an ally and submitted to Raynevere's presidency during the inauguration.

"Come on in." Himeno gestured to me as she went inside her mansion. I followed her lead until we entered her wide lounge which is used as the receiving area. "So, what brings the president's future husband here?"

"I want to ask and clarify some things," I said.

Himeno's crimson eyes glared at me as if she was scanning my soul. She gave a smile and a relaxing vibe to remove the tension in the atmosphere.

"It seems that this will be taking a lot of time. Well then, I will indulge you with everything I know. So feel free to relax."

I sat on the sofa, enduring the pain in my waist and hip. I think I overdid loving Raynevere last night, and now all the muscles in my lower body ache like hell. I'm also drained out of energy, and we never got that much sleep. I actually could feel sleeping on this sofa right now.

The good thing is that the butler of the Yuusha household gave me a hot coffee to savor and replenish my energy. I took a sip without mixing any sugar, and without making it cool. I punished my tongue with bitterness and burns so that it will keep me awake.

Meanwhile, Himeno is elegantly sipping her tea like a real sheltered lady. Raynevere's way of doing things is more elegant though, but Himeno still has this aristocratic vibe on her that makes her look hard to approach.

"So, what do you want to learn?" Himeno asked.

I slightly blushed, pondering if I should ask this question or not. I would have asked Master Siferas or Big Bro Nigel for this, but I can't contact them at the moment. Only Himeno can answer this. Well, here goes nothing!

"Transformation Cards... How can they be unlocked?"

"Huh!?" Himeno blushed all of a sudden. She coughed a couple of times in an elegant manner covering her mouth, and then she put down her tea. "W-Why would you ask me that?"

"W-Well, Ryan Radars unlocked it with you, right? You can transform into a Cyber Dark Panther with a Command Card. I was just wondering if you knew how it is activated since you are a Master Grade Gladiatrix." I reasoned out.

Himeno had her mouth in an o-shape as she was agape for a couple of seconds. Then she faked out to clear her voice.

"Ahem. I am unsure about the details, but most Kaisers and Gladiators generally unlock it when their feelings resonate. The mystical nanomachines and the Gladiator- or in our case, Gladiatrix System harmonizes and creates a unique code to manifest a Transformation Command Card." Himeno said with sassiness.

"Does that mean Ryan cannot use the Transformation Card if you are not his Gladiatrix?" I asked.

"Precisely. It will just show a [Command Card Error] prompt on your Gladiatrix System." Himeno sipped her tea. "Why are you asking this? Wait, are you trying to unlock Raynevere's Transformation Card?"

Himeno transformed into a blush. I can kind of read what she's thinking due to her facial expressions, and at this point, I already have the answer to my question.

"W-Well, it's not like we can't win against it. But it will help us become stronger to fight against the real Raynevere Treenity. Plus, we still have this year's Battle Fiesta. I am planning for Raynevere to become the champion so that the corporation will get good exposure, and it will help in bringing Treenity Innovations back to its former glory."

"You really have thought it through, huh," Himeno smirked, but her crimson eyes were glaring at me. She crossed her arms, and her fingers were even impatiently tapping on her arm. "Well, I will give you a hint on how to resonate. Since you are destined to be the president's husband, then there will be no problem in doing this-"

I spread out my hand at her, gesturing to her to stop talking. I forced a smile with a blush.

At this point, Himeno read my mind.

"Considering that you came here with a lot of hickeys on your neck, you guys have already done it."

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