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The Cyber Mummy named Leila Petra underwent a dramatic change in her transformation. She coated her whole body with her bandages until she was fully wrapped like a cocoon. This mummy cocoon then gathered light from the surroundings and then exploded like a dynamite!

And there, the Cyber Sphinx has made her appearance. The Cyber Mummy transformed into a four-meter-long feral monster with the golden head of a pharaoh but with the body of a behemothian feline beast. Its claws are almost thrice as big as Himeno's, and its tail is a living python! There are still bandages wriggling around Leila's limbs, indicating that she still has traces of her past Cyber Mummy self.

Contrary to most monsters I have encountered in my life, this Cyber Sphinx did not unleash any roaring sound at all. It is just silent, but I can feel the ferociousness of it in its gleaming red eyes.

The Cyber Sphinx raised its claws and then went straight to slash Arth, who was barely keeping up with this turn of events! However, in the nick of time, the Cyber Paladin was able to raise his heavy shield and block the attack!

"Ghhh!" Arth grunted as his shield was ripped halfway by the Sphinx's claws! If this continues, his shield will be shattered and he will fall!

The Cyber Sphinx jumped back and then lept towards the Cyber Paladin! This time, its two front paws equipped with long claws are destined to slice through Arth's tower shield! He won't be able to endure this attack at this rate!

Irida did not hesitate to support her knight. With a swift swipe of her hand on one of the hologram cards right in front of her, she revealed it up in the skies!

"Activate Skill Card: Blink Strike!"

In an instant, Arth faded to avoid the Cyber Sphinx's assault. The Cyber Paladin was then next teleporting towards the Cyber Sphinx's left side, readying his shield to smash the sphinx's face head-on!


The shield bash connected! It cracked the Cyber Sphinx's golden face, mostly on the left cheek, but that was an attack that gave damage! However, it is not enough as the Cyber Sphinx used its python tail to bite into Arth's shield!

"Ghh!" Arth tried to pull his shield away from the python's tail, but the fangs had already sunken deep!

"Finish him, Leila." The opponent Kaiser Malik said in an arrogant tone. He sounds like those aloof rich boys you can see on soap operas.

The Cyber Sphinx's python tail smashed Arth to the ground! A crater was formed as a result, and debris went flying all over the place! But Arth kept on holding onto his shield! Not being satisfied, the Cyber Sphinx slammed the Cyber Paladin repeatedly, creating multiple holes in the ground. The impacts shook the whole coliseum, and it felt like a mini-earthquake!

"Arth, let go of your weapon!" Irida cried out loud.

"B-But!" Arth reasoned out. He may be durable and able to hold on, but he will just accumulate injuries at this rate if he does not let go of his shield.

"It's fine! We don't need to hide our trump card against Elzane and Raynevere. We must go all-out to prove that we are strong enough." Irida said.

Arth finally surrendered control over his tower shield during the last time the python tail smashed him to the ground. He rolled over the dusty ground five times until finally stopping, his battered body lying flat on the floor.

Arth's armor is now full of bends, cracks, and filth. His handsome face was also covered with dirt and mud. He didn't stay long on the ground as he immediately stood up and wiped the filth on his face.

"Are you alright, Arth?" Irida asked worriedly as she kept her hands close to her chest.

Arth spat out some blood from his mouth and then smiled. "I'm fine, this is just some scratches."

"Well then." Irida gave a reassuring and confident smile and giggled. Her fingers gracefully swiped out one of the Command Cards at her disposal. "Let's show them our full power, Arth!"


The moment Irida raised her Command Card, the skies became clouded with darkness. A sudden lightning struck the Cyber Paladin as soon as the princess revealed her next Command Card!

"Activate Transformation Card: Cyber Seraphim!"

When the lightning that struck Arth dispersed, he revealed a new whole form. His armor was changed into a brand new shining platinum and blue one. This time, his head is covered by a blue helmet with wings on each side and a golden cross on his visor. His armor seemed to be much bulkier than his normal ones.

Six angelic wings sprouted from the knight's back, and a rainbow halo emerged on it. This magnificent Gladiator spread out his arms, and it bore weapons: a golden holy sword on his right hand, and a crusader's shield on his left.

Transformation Cards also automatically heal the Gladiator or Gladiatrix upon activation, so it served a dual purpose on Irida's part. She did not need to use a Heal Skill Card just to treat her Gladiator's wounds.

"What the... You have a Transformation Card too!?" The opponent Kaiser Malik stared in disbelief.

"This will be our full power, oh immortal duo!" Irida said as she smiled widely. Then she gracefully turned around and pointed at the Cyber Sphinx! "Finish it, Arth!"

"It will be done!" The Cyber Seraphim boosted forward with its wings, readying its sword to slash the foe!

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