I moved into open space and that fucker Nolan followed me, continuing to be all over me. 

"What the hell!" I finally yelled, throwing her arms away from me. The ball was put in play as I was yelling, and it bounced off a few heads and bounced off people like a pinball, and I moved towards it. 

I got a clean touch on the ball in the middle of the 18. I was getting ready to strike when I got knocked over. I barely had time to hit the ground before I was back up. I was up so fast the ref didn't even have time to blow the whistle. I got up so quickly that if you'd have blinked, you'd have missed it.

"What the-" I started to say, but I was silenced whet I got punched in my right cheek. 

I was over it. She'd been asking for a fight all game, trying to get me to start it, but she fell to her own fucking pressure. How pathetic. 

"What the fuck was that for, Nolan?" I asked, shoving her lightly. 

"For you being such a smacked ass." 

"There's 22 players on this field, and the only smacked ass here is you." 

Was it worth it to engage in this? Was it worth the suspension I was going to get? Was it worth my spot on the USWNT? I have no idea. 

"Stop. Stop. Please stop." One of Racing's defenders tried to step in, but she kept going. 

"Give me a break and get off your high horse. You're not all that." 

"And this is coming from you, you piece of shit." 

Someone grabbed me from behind, and someone grabbed her. Whoever had me was strong and not letting go. 

"Nepotism, Sanchez. Ever heard of it?" 

"You're locker room cancer and you know it." 

A lot of yelling was going on around us, a lot of people and a lot of commotion, but I was deadlocked in on her. 

"Ainsley calm-" Ashley started to say, but she was cut off when the Racing player who was holding Nolan back lost control, and my first instinct was to run, but I was held down. I thrashed and moved until I was let go of, bit it was too late. Nolan was already on me laying punches. I was able to get a few hits in before we were pulled apart again, my face bloody. Then I realized everything was still going on around me. 

Trinity had jumped between us, and ended up getting hit a few times before they got the three players needed to drag Nolan away.  I wanted Ash to be with me, but she was in the middle, probably cursing that fucking idiot's name. 

I was kneeling on the ground, Sam on my left and Tara on my right with her arm around me. She rubbed my back while Sam tried to get me to pick up my head. I was desperate to know what was going on as more commotion had broken out. I heard Aubrey Kingsbury, our goalie, talking to someone and then she bent down in front of me, telling me everything was getting worked out. 

I stood up a few seconds later, Tara helping me. The trainers finally saw my face and came out faster. I saw a stretcher and a bunch of equipment. I was really hoping that wasn't for me. 

"That is a LOT of blood." Tara said, moving my hand under my chin to catch the blood from my nose and lip. Sam wiped off my forehead, talking bout a spot on there. 

When Ash saw me she stepped out of the middle of the group of people, making me sit down for the trainers. She sat next to me and talked to me about what everyone was saying. I was dizzy and struggled to follow, my main focus being on being able to sit up. My eyes flickered over to Sam and Tara who were wiping their hands with wiped from the trainer.  

After everything had calmed down and cards given, girls sent off, and subs were made, we ended up with a PK. 

There's something good to come out of it I guess. Especially since we were tied up and only had a few minutes to play. 

I was obviously taken off, as well as a heated Trinity and a concerned Ashley. I didn't go straight back to the locker room so I could watch the rest of the game. I was especially excited to watch Hatchy get her first career hat trick. I repeatedly called it a Hatch-trick. 

When the game was over, Ash and Trin walked with me as we shook hands with the other team, no one being overly friendly but also walking on eggshells, afraid to do something wrong. 

After our team huddle, everyone went to sign for fans, but Trinity held me back and started whispering to me. 

"I should be telling you that you're whole fight was a turnoff so you'd never do it again, but I'd be lying." She whispered. 

"How do I respond to that?" 

"You look super..." She ran her finger along my bottom lip. "Tough." 

"That was weird." I whispered. "And we're in public, so please stop." 

"Nobody's paying attention." 

"You're Trinity Rodman, they're always paying attention." 

Her face froze, her looking me dead in the eye. 

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'll get a room for us tonight, and I'll text you the room number. Go to the locker room and get fixed up now, I have fans to sign for." She smiled at me before she walked away. 

I couldn't stop smiling as I did what she said by heading to the locker room. 

Little Sanchez // USWNTWhere stories live. Discover now