Sneeze (dragonfruit)

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i sneezed so many times while i made this-

It was perfect.

They were lying in each other's arms gazing into the other's eyes. It was peaceful. Little rays of moonlight shown through the little cracks in the curtain illuminating their faces and making their eyes look like gems. 

A dark brown that held love within its colour made him feel at peace and made him fall even more in love with the girl beside him.

They don't get times like this much, they would spend most days with friends and family, and spend the rest with just the two of them. Their days are full of fun and a whole load of crazy but he loves every moment of it because he is always there by her. 

He has changed so much since he started dating mei, not in a bad way, but in a way where he is more observant of peoples feelings and how to treat people without being yelled insults at.

He has also changed mei, she is more mature now but still has her childish moments. Though that is a side he can't hate. The way her bottom lips sticks out into a pout and when she scrunches her nose is adorable, he just wants to pull him close and kiss the pout away. 

redson also adores the way her eyes widen when she is either surprised, with a kiss or when she just sees redson in general. 

He loves him so much that he would think he would actually die if mei left him, so he proposed to her in a middle of a flower garden, because he wanted to have her by his side, wants to wake up spooned around her, make memories with her... do everything possible with her.

So here they were, lying in their bed staring at each other in the dark, in the silence but somehow it was not deafening. 

They were going to meet their friends at a cafe the next day to make plans before they go off somewhere with their families for the holidays. 

He and mei had been going out a lot recently in the cold so they were a bit germed up but nothing stopped them from going out.

However, it did cause for redson's heart to stop for a second and fall out of bed as mei had sneezed, disturbing the silence of the night. 

mei peered over the side of the bed smiling sheepishly down at him as he tried to get his heart rate to calm down. It may have been a simple sneeze, but it sounded like a gun had gone off in the room. He climbed back into bed with some help from mei and was tugged into his arms.

"'m sorry for scaring you." mei murmured in his ear.

"Don't worry about it, it was only a sneeze." he teased though he had a small loving smile on his features.

"And here I was trying to be comforting, hmmph." She removed herself from redson and rolled over facing the window.

Rolling his eyes at his lovers' behaviour he reached out and hugged the dragon to his chest "You know if you're not feeling well in the morning we could just stay in for the day"

 redson had started tracing mesmerizing patterns down mei's arm and nuzzling into the space between her neck and shoulder.

Being trapped within the strong but gentle hold, mei was only able to look over her shoulder into black eyes that reminded him of the night sky. "Weren't we going to meet the others tomorrow?"

"We can always meet them after tomorrow, they aren't leaving for about two weeks anyway."

"Hmm... alright then, we can stay in tomorrow.." The dragon's eyelids threatened to close on her as a yawn escaped from her mouth. 'She's so adorable when She's sleepy~'

"I love you."

"love ya too."

mei had woken up the next morning with the worst cold in existence and pouted because redson wouldn't let her leave the bed. 

Her mind soon changed though when the love of her life came in with the fluffiest blankets they own, medication, some lovely sweet hot chocolate and a bag full of cat stuffed toy. redson propped up their pillows against the headboard and leaned against it, with mei between his legs leaning back on his chest.

This time when mei sneezed, nobody was falling of beds or getting heart attacks, they were just basking in each others warmth enjoying little treats and cuddling with some stuffed toys until they fell asleep in the same position they were in.

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