Dancing (dragonfruit)

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Mei was at redson's place today since mk was busy with his works and she was bored so mei decided to stop by at redson's place.

Redson was doing his work and the radio was on playing music. Mei looked at redson and smirked as she heard him humming. "Its so boring, let's do something fun red"

Redson looked up from his work and at mei "i am afraid to ask what you have in your mind" he sighed and continued to do his work.

Mei rolled her eyes and walked over to him, "the radios on, wanna have a dance with me?" She smiled and offered her hands.

Redson stared at her perplexed and looked back at his work "not now mei, I'm busy working right now" mei pulled redson to her and wrapped her arms around him.

"Mei let go. I have work to do!" Redson nagged as mei lifted his back up and took redson's hand and twirled him. "Dont be a party pooper red." Mei was behind redson now and she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on redson's shoulder.

Redson hesitates for a moment but finally agreed, The two lovebirds danced together silently at redson's workplace.

The mood was starting to get nice and relaxing as they danced peacefully and quietly in the room. "See? That wasn't so bad was it?" Mei asked as they continued dancing in a slow way.

"I guess it wasn't.." Redson closed his eyes and smiled "I feel rather calm now..thank you mei" He thanked mei as she kissed his cheeks "no need to thank me red, just doing what a responsible girlfriend would Do!" She giggled and so too did redson. "Responsible. Yeah right"

"Hey, its true!" Mei nuzzled her head onto redson's shoulder and redson's smile widened "whatever you say dragon girl."

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