chapter thirty four.

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-chapter thirty four-

That evening, Taehyung and Jeongguk found themselves sat in the park on a bench, sipping their drinks quietly as they watches the sunset.

It was odd; for the silence between them wasn't awkward; it was... tranquil.

Jeongguk nibbled on his straw, looking up at the older man every so often through the corner of his eye. Taehyung suited black hair, but the younger man couldn't help but favour the blue better.

"H-Hey, uh, hyung?"

"Yeah?" Taehyung looked at him, smiling a little as he sipped his coffee. "What's up?"

"Did you, uhm.... w-was there anyone else while I was..." He trailed off, looking away in embarrassment. He was curious, he wanted to know if the older had any other lovers or hook ups while he was gone. Though it sounded hypocritical considering his own checkered past, the thought of Taehyung with another person made him feel displeased.

"You're silly." Taehyung chuckled, gently draping his arm over the younger man's shoulder. "I was too worried about you to take on anyone else." Jeongguk gulped, hesitantly leaning into the embrace. Taehyung's smile faded a little and he frowned, looking down at the younger ravenette. "Why are you asking? Did-"

"I was just curious." Jeongguk mumbled, looking away as the nippy evening air tussled his own hair. "Although I was drunk, I still c-cheated on you, Hyung." He looked up, anxiously. "I-I thought you'd move on. I was gone for months and you really had nobody?"

"Well, I did go on a few blind dates." Taehyung admitted, his lip tugging downward when he saw the unreadable expression cross Jeongguk's face momentarily. "But," he continued, gently stroking the boy's upper arm with his thumb with a soft chuckle. "How could I really move on from you, huh? The dates were nice, but, they never went anywhere. I still prefer my feisty, adorable angry bird."

"Oh." Jeongguk breathed, looking down to fiddle with his coat buttons. "I know it doesn't make up for what I did, b-but it was only one time." He mumbled, his eyes tearing up as his own guilt made his throat grow tight. "I-I didn't mean to, I was drinking alot a-and I'm so sorry and-"

"Hey now," Taehyung put his coffee down on the armrest and turned around to cup the younger's face. "Enough of that. It's okay."

"No.." Jeongguk made a strangled whine in his throat and gently moved himself away from Taehyung's warm hands, the elder frowning at the action. "No it's not! Why are you still so nice to me? I don't deserve it!"

"Because I love you." Taehyung said, simply as he reached the boy's cheeks once again. "And my love for you didn't just vanish after that one night." This time, though, Jeongguk made no effort to move back. "I'm here because I love you. I will be here for every step of the way to your recovery. You got up and got the help you needed, gguk. You did a brave thing."

"You're an idiot." Jeongguk whispered, gently resting his forehead against Taehyung's, his own left hand holding the other man's coat as his right held his drink. "an idiot."

"We're both idiots." Taehyung agreed with a chuckle, looking into the younger's eyes. "You for what you did and me for staying around. But that won't stop me." He smirked a little. "You're not getting rid of me, Jeon Jeongguk."

Jeongguk nibbled his lip, doe eyes wide as he looked into Taehyung's. "Promise? Will you wait for me?"

"I will wait for you."


It was about 11pm when they got back to Jeongguk's apartment.

They'd had their drinks, a couple of snacks too, and sat in the park to watch the sunset and talk. It was nice, Taehyung decided, because Jeongguk talked alot more now. Since he came back from rehab, he talked alot more, he became more open.

Taehyung didn't necessarily have to walk on eggshells around the younger man.

"Do you... want to come inside?" Jeongguk asked, timidly as he unlocked his apartment door. "I-It's too late to drive home."

"11pm?" Taehyung looked at the time on his phone and sighed with a nod, following the younger man into the apartment. "Yeah, Thank's Gguk. I'll just call Jimin and ask him to take care of tannie for the night."

Jeongguk nodded, watching the older man toe off his shoes and disappear into the living room to make a call. He gulped, gently kicking his own shoes off and hesitantly shuffling after Taehyung.

It was hard, he had said so himself that he wasn't ready for a relationship, but Taehyung made him feel new things, things he'd never felt before. It was hard to not just sink into The elder's arms, to fall back into what they had.

Taehyung loved him.

But he had to make it up to Taehyung, and he didn't know how long that would take. Hell, he didn't even know what he had to do. Taehyung hadn't specifically said what he needed to do to make it up to him, but-

"Is, uh, is Tannie okay?" He asked, lingering by the living room doorway, his arms to his chest as he looked at the older man on the couch. "Do you need to-"

"Jimin's on his way to my place." Taehyung smiled a little, patting the spot beside him as he reached for the TV remote. "Come sit, Gguks. Wanna watch some anime?"

Jeongguk swallowed heavily, but did as he was told, shuffling forward and sitting himself down a couple of inches from Taehyung. He pulled his knees to his chest, leaning forward as the silence began to eat at him.

"Hey, what's up?" Taehyung asked, frowning as he gently grabbed Jeongguk's tatted forearm, noticing how he seemed more reserved. "You okay?"

Jeongguk nodded, hesitantly relaxing. "Yeah."


I didn't know what to write but i needed to update... so hopefully it's okay?


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