chapter three.

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-chapter three-

a few days had now passed since taehyung got his apprentice offer. a few days of decision making, and he still couldn't decide wether to call up the studio or not.

the blue haired male let out a soft sigh, looking down at the card between his fingers, his bottom lip tight between his teeth in thought.

he was nervous.

he'd never even gone near a tattoo gun before -what if he couldn't do it?

but on the other hand, he knew he'd regret not having a try. what if he found a new hobby? he'd always been open to trying new things.

why stop now, right?

taehyung's internal struggle with the decision to accept the apprentice offer had finally reached a tipping point. a few days of contemplation and uncertainty had led him to the realization that trying something new might open doors to unexpected opportunities.

the card between his fingers, a tangible representation of the choice before him, held the key to a potential shift in his artistic journey. and with a soft sigh, he gazed down at the card, his bottom lip caught between his teeth in a display of nervous tension.

the prospect of entering the world of tattoo artistry stirred a mix of excitement and anxiety within him. the unfamiliarity of a tattoo gun and the fear of failure lingered in his thoughts, but a deeper desire to explore and embrace new challenges pushed him forward.

so making up his mind, he reached over, grabbing his phone as he dialled the number. putting the phone to his ear as he smiled at yeontan, the puppy playing with one of his toys on the floor.

"hello, this is inked metaphor. how can i help you?"

startled by the bored, seemingly cold voice on the other end of the phone, taehyung cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking up. "uh, hi.. i'm calling about an apprentice offer? my name's kim taehyung.."

there was a shuffling of paper on the other end of the line, and taehyung bit his lip. "i was given a card by kim namjoon?"

"ah, so you're that kid he was talking about, right?"  the man mused, voice lifting from irritation to light amusement. "took you a few days to call."

"yeah, sorry." taehyung mumbled awkwardly, nibbling on his thumb anxiously. "is.. is the offer still-"

"yeah. just come down to the parlour today, and namjoon will meet ya." the man spoke. "any time's fine. he's kept the space open in case you'd show up. we'll see you soon, kid."

taehyung huffed as the call was ended and he sighed, throwing his phone down on the couch as he stood up. he stretched his limbs, and ruffled his hair, before dropping his arms to his side.

the man on the phone didn't sound like namjoon -having heard the man when they met at the cafe.

he hummed, leaning down to pet yeontan's head gently, before making his way to his room in order to get changed. now that he really thought about it, he found himself grow a little excited about what the future held for him. if he became a tattoo artist full time, it would give him a new sense of freedom; he could create masterpieces on other people's skin. it could be a new sense of fulfilment for him.

"i hope this goes well..." he mumbled to himself, biting his inner lip in nervous anticipation. the notion of stepping into the tattoo studio became a beacon of possibility, and the thought of not taking this chance lingered as a regret he was not willing to bear.

inked metaphor |tk ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon