chapter two.

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-chatper two-

shutting the front door to his apartment, taehyung sighed as he hung his coat up and toed his shoes off, a small smile gracing his lips as yeontan, his beloved pomeranian puppy, came running into the hallway to greet him after a long day, his claws tapping softly on the hardwood floor.

"hey, little one. i missed you." he pouted, pressing his nose to yeontan's. "but i promise to take you on an extra fun walk tommorow to make up for being gone for so long, okay?" he cooed, gently scooping the pup into his arms as he carried him into the living room, peppering yeontan's little face with kisses.

taehyung's living room was a testament to his eclectic taste and artistic sensibilities. the walls, painted in a calming shade of sky blue, created a serene backdrop that complemented the vibrant hues of his art scattered throughout the room. artistic prints, watercolor paintings, and sketches adorned the walls, showcasing the depth and breadth of taehyung's creative endeavors.

a plush, navy-blue couch dominated the center of the room, adorned with an array of mismatched throw pillows in various textures and colors. the couch itself seemed to envelop anyone who sank into its cushions, providing a comfortable sanctuary for both taehyung and his guests; a cozy, knitted blanket draped over the back of the couch added a touch of warmth and invited anyone to snuggle in during chilly evenings.

a sleek, modern coffee table stood in front of the couch, serving as a canvas for pizza boxes, art supplies, and the occasional stray sketchbook. the table bore the marks of creative chaos, a reflection of taehyung's dynamic and ever-evolving artistic process.

soft, ambient lighting emanated from strategically placed floor and table lamps, creating pockets of warm illumination that highlighted specific artworks or added a soft glow to the room's corners. the lighting, combined with the occasional flicker from the tv screen, cast a gentle ambiance that was both inviting and calming.

in one corner, a modest bookshelf housed a collection of well-loved novels, art books, and trinkets. the shelves were interspersed with potted plants, their greenery providing a lively contrast to the blue-dominated color palette.

yeontan yapped, licking the blue haired male's chin, tiny tail wagging in excitement as taehyung sunk into the soft, comfy material of his blanket-clad couch. taehyung grinned, nuzzling the puppy's fur, only to sigh when his front door was suddenly banged, jimin's voice calling out to him.

"taehyungie, open the door!"

the blue haired man groaned, gently putting his puppy down, sighing as he stood up. "stay here, tan-ah. i'll go and let uncle jiminie in." he mumbled, ruffling his own hair. "i don't know why he's nocking, though... he normally just barges in."

he dragged himself out of the living room and into the hallway, stumbling towards the door to open it for his friend. upon opening the door, his eyes widened seeing jimin, holding multiple pizza boxes, aswell as a white take out bag.

"idiot, why didn't you call? i would've helped you carry all of this!" taehyung scolded, taking a couple of pizza boxes from the other, letting him into his apartment before closing the front door. "the elevator's broken, too... you really walked up two flights of stairs with all this food?"

jimin gave the younger a mischievous grin, walking past him into the living room. "don't underestimate me, taehyungie. now come on, where's my adorable nephew, huh?"

as taehyung followed jimin into the living room, he couldn't help but cooe upon seeing yeontan jump up at jimin's knees, his little pompom tail wagging widly. "i'm starting to think you only come over to see tannie nowadays." he grumbled, putting the pizza on the coffee table. "as soon as you see him, you just forget all about me."

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