Chapter fifteen.

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-Chapter Fifteen-

Jeongguk hadn't stuck around after his run in with Taehyung that morning. Instead of lingering like he usually did while waiting for his friends to finish, He'd simply left straight after his scheduled appointment -desperate to leave.

He was frustrated.

As far as he was concerned, He didn't even do anything wrong. He hadn't done anything that warranted Taehyung's shitty attitude towards him, not really. I mean, Sure, he snapped at him, but he did apologise afterwards.

If anything, Taehyung was the one who was being childish. He's the one who suddenly Wanted to Know his business, and for what? It's not like they were close, they barely just became friends.

Jeongguk was still hesitant to even call him a friend. He doesn't understand why he feels the way he does around the blue haired man. He swore he wouldn't move on from His Ex, and that was an oath he was determined to keep. But things were starting to confuse him. He'd started thinking about Taehyung more and more, and he hated it.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Yugyeom asked, eyes never leaving the Tv as he flicked through netflix. "C'mon Gguk, You've been glaring all day."

"What does it mean if someone's suddenly pissed at you for no reason?" He mumbled, brow creased as he hugged a couch cushion to his chest, uncertainty bubbling in his gut as he looked over at his friend. "I-If they suddenly care about what you do and stuff?"

"It generally means that this someone cares about you." Yugyeom rose an eyebrow, finally looking away from the TV. "What's this about, Gguk?"

"It's Taehyung." The Ravenette mumbled, looking down at his arm as he scratched over a tattoo anxiously. "He- I... He's angry at me."

"Why? What did you do?" Yugyeom quirked a brow, curiously. "I thought you don't really like him?"

"I don't know." Jeongguk frowned, dropping his face into the cushion, a sigh leaving him as he leaned back into the couch. "I.. I think we're friends now." He mumbled, voice muffled. "But I Think I fucked up and I don't know what to do."

Yugyeom stayed quiet, waiting for his friend to get the words out. He knew that Jeongguk had a hard time when it came to his feelings, he knew he had to be patient with him. He came off as passive and indifferent but really, he does care behind his facade.

"Why do you think he's upset, gguk?" He asked, carefully. "What-"

"I had someone over last night hyung." The inked man mumbled, still not lifting his head. "F-From the club... and Tae, H-He saw the hickeys and then... But why? Why did it upset him?!"

"Give me a look." Yugyeom shuffled closer, lifting the younger's head from the cushion, tilting his head to the side so he could get a look at his throat. "Jesus." He muttered, frowning. "Jackson was right." Sure enough, there were bruises and hickeys littering his neck. He sighed.

"I think This Taehyung guy is starting to like you." He stated simply as he let the Ravenette go. "It would explain why his mood went shit after seeing you."

"What? There's no way." Jeongguk protested, his eyes wide as his gaze snapped to his friend. "H-He has no reason to like me." His brows drew together, growing agitated. "I-It's not like I've been nice to him! If he likes me, then T-That's his fault, not mine!" Jeongguk had kept his affections to simple one night stands and meaningless flings after his boyfriend died. He closed himself up; never attempting to rebuild a relationship with anyone.

He just couldn't move on. He loved Sunwoo with everything he had. He loved him, and even though their relationship was rocky at times, he never stopped feeling for the man.

If Sunwoo was still alive, Then Jeongguk would still be with him, still be happy. He wouldn't even think about Taehyung.

But Park Sunwoo wasn't here. He was dead. He was gone, and he was never coming back. That is the brutal reality. He left Jeongguk alone, and now Jeongguk was left to crumble by himself.

He was doing just fine.

But then Taehyung came along. And then those once faceless strangers, the stupid flings started to morph into The blue haired man himself. Jeongguk hated how the other was on his mind in those moments.

"You can't control the heart." Yugyeom muttered, leaning back on the couch as he focused his attention back on the TV. "You know that. Look, gguk, Just stop being a baby and hiding from anything new." He scolded, not looking at the younger. "You'll never be happy if you don't."

Jeongguk's eyes harden as he bristled in offense. "What?"

"You heard." Yugyeom challenged, waving the TV remote as he spoke. "Who knows? Maybe Taehyung will be good for you. You have horrible habits, gguk. You have to stop whoring around at some point. Just wake up and decide what you want in life. Because by the time you realise, it could be too late."

Jeongguk fell silent, not knowing what to say. Why did he care if That stupid Blueberry was pissed at him or not?

Was... Yugyeom right?

He gulped, bringing his legs to his chest to hide his head in his knees, shame making him bite his lip harshly.

Why did everything have to go so wrong?


Turning the TV Off, Yugyeom looked down at the sleeping Ravenette beside him, his brows creasing together with a sigh. "You're such a Dumbass." He ran his hand through the tatted boy's hair and gently lifted him, propping the boy's head on his thigh. "You worry us all, Gguk."

Jeongguk didn't stir, merely snuggling into the other, the usual scowl on his face now smoothened out to a relaxed expression. Yugyeom's brows relaxed, his eyes softening. "I Just Hope You Understand how you feel before you lose what could've been good for you."


Sorry for the shorter chapter :(


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