chapter twenty one.

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-chapter twenty one-

"I met him when I was 17," Jeongguk grumbled into the quietness of the apartment. He looked over at the blue haired older hesitantly, Taehyung nodding him to continue. "M-My First year of college... We met through Yoongi and, um, it happened kind of fast.." he admitted, sighing as he rubbed his temples. "God, looking back, I'm just now realising how messed up it all was."

"Hey, I'm not judging." The elder reminded, Rubbing the Younger's back, supportively. "You don't have to open up about this if you don't want to-"

"You deserve to know." Jeongguk countered, shaking his head with a scoff as he looked at him. "I'm a screw up, and you need to know what you're signing up for. I'm surprised you haven't ran away yet."

Taehyung stayed quiet, leaning back in the couch as he looked at the ravenette beside him. It was odd; He'd seen Jeongguk be rude, snarky and arrogant, but he'd also seen him break down, he'd wiped his tears and listened to his troubles.

The man was close to unbearable when they first met, but now, he's almost soft completely around Taehyung. The duality was a little off-guard catching, but Taehyung would be lying if he said he doesn't like the younger's slight change in stance toward him.

"To be honest, there's not a lot to really talk about." Jeongguk mumbled, hugging his knees. "We were just your usual college couple."

"You said he cheated on you before he passed away, right?" Taehyung asked, softly rubbing the Ravenette's wrist, rubbing his thumb over a tattoo. "How did he change?"

"I was a virgin when I... when I met him." Jeongguk answered, looking down at Taehyung's gentle touch on his wrist. "I knew sex between two men was different, I guess I was just nervous to be on the receiving end."

"You told me before that you, uh, you hook up with people from the club quite often?" Taehyung couldn't hold back a sour expression; his brows raising. "How did that start if you were-"

Tensing up, Jeongguk fell quiet as his mind raced. "I wanted to prove a point... even though he'd died.. he shunned me for being a prude." He looked up at the blue haired man, hesitantly. "..Are you a virgin?"

Taehyung blinked in suprise, but chuckled softly with a shake of his head. "No, but... I've only really had sex once, so I'm definitely not as experienced as you."

Jeongguk knew it was hypocritical, but he couldn't help but relieved that the elder had only had sex once, unlike him. However, there was a lingering thought in the back of his mind. What if Taehyung thought he was ruined? Used up? he'd definitely be embarrassed if the elder man didn't want to have sex with him when the time came-

"You know, people who are dating usually go on dates." Taehyung's soft voice cut through Jeongguk's nasty trail of thought, sensing what the younger could be thinking about. The elder gently grabbed the younger's hand in his own. "So, what'd you say? Wanna go on a date with me?"

"A-At this time of night?" Jeongguk protested weakly, avoiding Taehyung's gaze. "It's nearly 7pm."

"I know a place." The elder man grinned. "So? Wanna go?"

Jeongguk gulped, looking down at their hands with a soft tint rising to his cheeks. "Okay, Blueberry."


"That was awesome!" Taehyung grinned, climbing off the motorbike with Jeongguk's help -the younger man unable to help chuckling at his antics. "You need to take me out on this more often."

"Sure, whatever." Jeongguk snorted, pocketing his keys, his right hand holding his helmet by the straps. Taehyung, noticing this as they walked towards the cafe, held his his in his left hand, using his right to hold onto Jeongguk's left.

Taehyung knew it would take a while for them to get to know eachother fully, but he knew baby steps would be ideal with such a fragile situation. Jeongguk was still hesitant when talking about his past, and Taehyung was willing to wait.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, looked down at their hand with doe eyes, his heart beat picking up in speed. Taehyung's hand was bigger than his own, the elder's long, slender fingers linked with his shorter, tattooed ones.

"Hey, Are you okay?"

He looked up at Taehyung and nodded softly, subconsciously squeezing the bluenette's hand as they crossed the road. "M' fine."

The soft wind tussled their hair as they crossed the street and finally arrived at a small, but cozy-looking cafe. Taehyung pulled the door open, a little bell chiming as he did, and held it open for the younger.

Jeongguk hesitantly entered, relaxing when Taeyyung grabbed his hand once again. The cafe was nearly empty apart from a girl with headphones on, scrolling through her laptop as she sipped on her coffee, and a small family of three by the window.

"Hey, you. I was wondering when I'd see you again."

"Mrs Choi." Taehyung walked over to the counter, tugging Jeongguk's hand with him, and grinned at the older woman behind it. "I've been busy with my new job." He admitted. "But, how's Yeonjun? I haven't seen him for a while."

"He's good, getting a little rebellious with his teenage years, but he's good." She shook her head with a fond chuckle, before she smiled at Jeongguk. "And who's this? I love the tattoos!"

"Oh!" Taehyung gently nudged the younger man forward. "Mrs Choi, meet the one and only Jeon Jeongguk... I work with him."

A little flustered, Jeongguk gave her a small smile and bowed his head slightly. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, dear." Mrs choi smiled widely. "Now what can I get for you both?"

"Just a black coffee for me, please." Taehyung answered, looking at the younger beside him. "What do you want, gguk?"

Jeongguk looked at the menu on the counter and mumbled softly through a whisper.

"Banana milk, please."


What do y'all think of Jeongguk's character's change so far?

Sorry for the late update, I've been busy with my college exams... but i'm off for summer, so I have 3 months of endless updates to write ;)


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