I close the main door and before I know it, my dad and Miles are watching a movie, Coco.

And I thought my dad didn't want any boys in our house except for Gabriel.

I walk over to where my dad is and he states, "I'm glad you invited him over, now you won't have to worry about Naomi and Elle."

I didn't even invite him.

I didn't even know that he would come to my house today.

Wait how does he know where I live?

"Noelle and Evie." I corrected him the second time.

"Besides, they're not even that bad. You just haven't met them yet which I'll bring them tomorrow." I make my point across to him.

My dad ignores me and continues to watch the movie with Miles.

"I feel unwanted already," I tell my dad who's still concentrating on the movie.

"I don't plan to stay for the whole day you know." Miles turns his head towards me. "I might leave in an hour."

I don't believe that. My parents will make him stay till nighttime.

I go back to my room and change into proper clothes because Miles has seen me in my night clothes.

Which I never reveal to anyone other than family members.

Enough of that, I pick up my brand-new book, The City of  Glass by Cassandra Claire, from the shopping bag on my bed.

I can't stop reading books because they just consume my weekend and I have been addicted since my first year of middle school.

Of course, Gabriel and Camila would always snatch them away from me because I would spend days reading them and not spend time with my siblings.


One time, when I was sleeping, she'd taken most of the books I read to sleep and put them in her secret stash so I wouldn't be sleeping so early.

■ □ □ □ ■


"Come on, Ramona. You've been reading 24/7, we should go somewhere." Gabriel complains.

"I agree. All you care about is fictional characters that aren't real." Camila pouts her lips.

I put my bookmark on the page I finished off of. "Okay, you guys win," I whined.

"Yayyy!!!" Gabriel and Camila yelled in excitement and gave me a bone-crushing hug.

We were all outside walking the sidewalks of Brooklyn. We went through many shopping stores, Prospect Park, Botanic Garden, and the New York Aquarium.

I'm convinced I walked millions of steps.

We stood in front of the sea animals in the aquarium.

Suddenly, Gabriel calls my name, "Hey, Ramona, this pufferfish looks like you!" He points to a pufferfish on the other side of the aquarium.

"Oh yeah? Well, this catfish looks like you!" I make a comeback at him, making him look at the catfish bursting out laughing.

"I'll do you one better, this blobfish looks like you!" Camila laughed as I looked at the blobfish which looked bothered by the three of us.

I laugh as if I don't have any air left in my lungs. I clutch onto my brother's shoulder for support and we all regain balance after roasting each other out.

- Flashback ended.

Those types of memories still linger around my brain as if Camila is beside me making me remember all of the amazing times with each other.

I still miss her so much.

After reading thirty minutes of one chapter, I place my bookmark on the next chapter and put it on the bedside table.

I go downstairs to see what my parents and Miles are up to. I run down the stairs and spot Miles, with an apron on, in the kitchen with my parents and the dishes already prepared.

He can cook?!

What in the world?

And my parents didn't bother me to teach me how to cook.

Now I feel really under-appreciated.

"Yay! You came in time for dinner," My mom says in delight.

Miles instantly looks at me as he finishes washing the last pot and putting it on the other side of the sink. He gives me a small smile and he takes the apron off of him.

I now notice he's wearing a plain black shirt and his two other layers lying on the couch.

Butterflies swarm in my stomach uncontrollably. Dang it, Ramona. Stop it.

But I can't help the way he looks so attractive. His broad shoulders, his muscular arms, and his lean stature.

"Are you okay, Ramona?" Miles looks at me with concern.

Oh no. I realized I'd been staring too long at his physical appearance more than the meals.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I clear my throat in a hurry and take my usual seat at the dining table as he does the same.

We said our prayers before eating and ate quietly except for my parents.

They asked Miles all sorts of questions like 'How is school?' 'Are your grades good?' 'Do you know what college you want to go to?' 'Do you play any sports?' 'Do you have a girlfriend?'.

Surprisingly, he put up with the questions and answered all of them.

At one point, I practically had to tell them to go easy on Miles. "You're going to make him glitch now with all of those questions."

"We're just curious, that's all." My dad reassures me.

Sure, Curious George.

After dinner, I washed most of the dishes until Miles came beside me and helped me with some of them. Then I put the dishwasher detergent and turned the dishwasher on.

"All done! Thanks for helping with the food and the plates." I thank him for his gratitude.

"It's no worries. I do all of these things back at my apartment with my mom." He explains.

"That reminds me, do need a ride back home?" I ask him.

"Nah, I'm good, but thank you."

I walk him to my main door and he says, "By the way, your parents are chill. Thanks for letting me in."

"It's no problem. You're welcome here anytime." I state.

"Goodnight, Ramona." He then smiles fully.

More butterflies swarmed around in my stomach.

"Goodnight, Miles." I smile back and close the main door, locking it.

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Authors Note: Heyyyyy! So so so very sorry for this super long wait. I was supposed to write last weekend, but totally forgot because of stupid Chemistry and so many marching band rehearsals.

And... question of the day: movies or books?

I now can make it up to you guys with this long chapter which I hope you guys like! Let me know what you like about this chapter in the comments! See you guys in the next chapter, which hopefully will update quicker than this ones :D

Meeting With The Villain | Prowler Miles Moralesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن