I'm already tired

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The end of the week came by within the blink of an eye. Liz and I are now moving into our very own apartment.. with the help of our parents of course. Both my parents were kind enough to take time off in order to help us move in, while Liz's mom swapped a shift with one of her co-workers

"If I knew moving was this much work, I would've stayed with my mom" Liz said out of breath as we were now on our fifth trip of walking things up

"You're twenty four, it was time" Liz's mom said with a laugh

"I agree with Jen" my mom said coming in

I playfully rolled my eyes

"Says the woman that cried last night" I teased

"That wasn't me" my mom tried to play cool

I gave her a knowing look

"Am I the only one moving anything?" my dad asked as he carried my desk

"Just the heavy stuff" I smiled

He scoffed

"We need to buy a couch" Liz said sitting on the floor

"We bought you one" my mom said as she pointed to my dad and Liz's mom

"What?" I asked

"We all pitched in" Liz's mom said

"Aw no, you didn't have to do that" Liz said

"Consider it a house warming gift" Jen said

"It should be here any minute in fact" my dad said checking his watch

As if on cue, a very nice black sectional couch appeared with three men carrying different pieces of it

"A sectional?" Liz asked with her jaw dropped

My dad nodded with a smirk

"Thank you!" Liz opened her arms for everyone to walk into

We all shared a big group hug as I kissed my mom and dads cheek as Liz did the same with her mom

"I can't believe this is real life" Liz sighed

"It will be even more of a reality once we finish unloading the U-Haul" my dad urged

We nodded as we let the couch people set it up and walked outside to the U-Haul

"How come your friends aren't here helping?" Jen asked

"I think they were all busy. This was such short notice" I said

"Oh yea, that makes sense" my mom stated

Jen nodded as she agreed with her


"I'm already tired" Liz sighed as she plopped down on our new couch

"Tell me about it" I said sitting next to her

We finished unloading the U-Haul which wasn't too hard since I ended up leaving things at my parents house. Both of our parents went home to relax and get ready to enjoy their weekend while Liz and I unpack

"I don't know if I have the energy to unpack right now" Liz leaned her head back against the couch cushions

"We have to start at least a little bit" I said

She groaned

"At least for an hour. Come on, I'll turn music on and we can talk and all that fun stuff" I said

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