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"Y/n, Elizabeth is here!" My mom called for me from downstairs

I wasn't expecting Liz to come by, but then again, she usually came around whenever she wanted to since we were close like that

"Coming" I called back as I began walking down the stairs

Once I reached the bottom, I was met with Elizabeth sitting at the island on one of the barstools while my mom was washing dishes

"I really don't mind" Liz told her

"No it's okay, see y/n is already here" my mom spoke

I had a confused look on my face

"I was trying to do the dishes for your mom" Liz said

"Oh mom I can do it" I told her

"No you girls go" my mom shooed us off

"I'll be back for those dishes Mrs. Venceti" Elizabeth winked at my mom

"Liz, we've known you since kindergarten, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind if you called them by their first names... right Valerie" I said referring to my mom

"Correct y/n" my mom smiled at Liz

"Right, sorry" Elizabeth apologized

With that, we both began walking upstairs to my room

"Did you know I was coming?" She asked

"No, which is why I was going to ask why you're here?" I questioned

"First off, your room looks cleaner than usual, secondly, I'm here because some radio stations are doing contests to win Taylor's Swift tickets" she spoke

"Okay?" I questioned

"So we're going to try and win" she continued

"You do know that winning those tickets is gonna be hard" I told her

"How?" She asked

"The probability of us winning is like two out of two thousand" I told her

"Not necessarily" she said

I just looked at her like she was crazy

"Come onnn!! How are we gonna know if we never try?" She asked

I didn't saying anything. I still just looked at her

"Please! Please! Please! Please!" She jumped on me

"Fine, fine" I smiled

"Great!" She cheered as she stood up

"Wait where are you going?" I asked

"Home. I just came over here to tell you" she replied

"What the hell? You cold have told me over the phone" I said

"I called three times and you didn't answer" she told me

"I didn't get any calls from you" I replied

"Plus, I needed to take a walk" she added

"You're dumb" I told her

"Love ya" she blew a kiss at me and began walking out of my room

I heard her say bye to my mom before walking out the front door and back to her house. It wasn't until she walked passed my window that I remember she didn't tell me what radio station so I opened my window and screamed after her

"Elizabeth!" I shouted

I watched as she jogged back to stand in front of my window

"What?" She asked

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