Thank you for coming

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"Do we have any plans today?" Liz asked as she sat at my vanity and did her makeup

"I don't think so" I replied

"We could go to a diner and grab food if you guys want" Serenity suggested

"I love that idea" Liz folded at the sound of food

By the time we got home from the concert last night, it was pretty late. Since it was so late, I invited Liz, Serenity, Justin, and Carmen to all spend the night knowing that my parents wouldn't mind at all. Unfortunately, Justin and Carmen couldn't come because apparently Justin had a busy day today and Carmen was just too tired

"Are you sure your parents wont mind the fact that a complete stranger stayed the night?" Serenity asked

"I'm positive" I replied

"Yeah, her parents are the nicest people I've ever met" Liz added

I nodded as I agreed with her

As if on cue, my mom knocked on my door and began to speak

"Y/n, are you up?" She asked

"Come in mom" I replied

Just then, my mom gently opened the door and immediately saw Liz

"Good afternoon girls" My mom spoke softly 

"Good afternoon" We all spoke

When my mom took notice of an unfamiliar voice, she turned towards it

"How rude of me, hi I'm Y/n's mom" My mom out her hand out for Serenity to shake

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Venceti" Serenity took her hand and shook it

"Please, call me Valerie" My mom smiled at the dark haired girl to which she nodded

"Well dad and I are downstairs so come down and introduce your new friend to him when you're ready" my mom added

"Will do" I replied

With that, she nodded and began walking out of my room

"You're mom is so hot" Serenity admitted

"Not you too" I replied

"Who else thinks that?" She asked

I diverted my attention to Liz

"Damn right" Serenity smiled at Liz with a high-five

"We should go meet my dad" I suggested

The girls nodded as they followed me out of my room. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, I was met by my parents sitting on the couch in lounge clothes watching tv.

"Hey dad" I placed my hand on his shoulder as I stood behind him to let him know of my presence

"Hi sweetie, how was the concert?" he asked

"Like nothing you will ever believe" I replied

"Like really, you two won't believe it. We have videos to show you" Liz spoke

"I would love to see them" My dad smiled

"Me too" my mom added

"Anyways, this is Serenity, we met at the concert and sat next to each other for both shows" I spoke as she stepped forward slightly

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Venceti" Serenity greeted with a warm smile

"Please, Alessandro" my dad smiled at the visibly nervous girl

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