You know more about me

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It's currently nine in the evening here, which means it's midnight in Georgia, where Taylor is. I remember her telling me not to go to sleep so she could call me, so that's exactly what I was doing. Staying awake, awaiting her call. To pass the time, I'm building a house in Minecraft and avoiding the mobs

"Oh god!" I squealed as a creeper was making the sound it makes before it blows up

I let out a sigh of relief when I moved away far enough to make sure it didn't blow my house up. As I'm placing a dirt block, my phone starts ringing. I didn't hesitate to pause the game and reach for it to see Taylor was calling

"Hey" I answered with a smile despite her not being able to see it

"Hey smiley" she greeted as she could probably hear the smile that was across my face

I couldn't help but to laugh

"Am I calling too late? Like you weren't sleeping or anything right?" She asked

"Not at all" I replied

"Okay good. I'm just getting back to the hotel" she told me

"How was the show?" I asked

"It was good as always" she said with a smile evident in her voice

"I watched a little bit of it" I told her

"Really how?" She asked

"A tik tok live" I replied

"People do that?" She questioned

"Yea" I replied

She hummed in response

"What are you up to?" She asked me

"I'm playing Minecraft" I said proudly

"Is that so?" she asked

"Yup" I replied

"Creative or survival?" She asked

"Survival" I replied

"You seem like the survival type" she told me

"I'm not really sure what that means. but thank you I think?" I questioned

"It was a compliment. I stick to creative" she told me

"Creative is also pretty fun" I said

"Maybe we should play sometime" she told

"I would be down for that" I said

"Okay sounds like a date" she said

"Sounds like a date" I agreed as I turned my Xbox off to give her my full attention

"Are you tired?" I asked her since it was pretty late over there

"Not really, I'm alright. I just want to talk to you" she replied

"I thought I was hard to talk to?" I teased

"Only when we're face to face" she teased back

"Ah I see" I replied

"I'm good now though" she said

I laughed

"Tell me what's new with you" she urged

I thought for a moment

"Nothing is really new. I live a pretty uneventful life" I said honestly

"I highly doubt that" she told me

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