Caller number nine

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I was sleeping peacefully until the awful sound of my phone woke me up

"Hello?" I answered still half asleep

"Are you up?" Liz asked

"Well I am now" I said

"Good, it's nine am. The contests are starting back up again" she said

"It's already nine?" I asked

"Yes. Now turn that radio on and get to listening" she said

"Okay, okay" I replied

"I'm on my way" she added

"Oh- uh okay" I said not expecting her to come over

"Bad time?" She asked

"Not at all" I said

"Good because I'm here. Come open the door" she said

With that, I hung up the phone and walked downstairs. I was the only one home since both of my parents are at work right now

"Heyy" Elizabeth sang

"It's too early in the morning for you to be singing" I said

"Well deal with it" she said pushing me aside and walking in

She immediately went to my kitchen to grab a banana before walking up to my room with me following close behind her

"I hope you cleared your schedule because this is all we're doing all day" she pointed out

"I assumed so" I replied

"Good. See, you're learning" she pinched my cheeks like a grandma would

"Okay, enough" I swatted her hand away

"Go fix yourself. You look a mess" she said

"Gee thanks. I just woke up" I replied

"I know, which is why I'm saying to go fix yourself" she said

I rolled my eyes as I walked to my bathroom debating in if I should take another shower.. which I know isn't good for your hair, but I still felt dirty somehow

"I'm going to take a shower. I'll leave my phone" I told her

"Okay" she replied as I tossed my phone at her and she caught it

I decided to take a quick shower so that way I wouldn't miss anything. When I was done and I walked out of the bathroom, I heard both of our phone ringing but then the line went dead

"Damn it!" Elizabeth exclaimed

"It's alright. We'll keep trying" I told her

"Congrats to Stacy! You're going to see Taylor Swift!" A different radio guy said

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" This Stacy girl said

"If we keep trying, we might get it" I told Liz

She nodded


The whole morning was filled with us continuously calling whenever two Taylor songs played in a row. We probably called about five hundred times and still ended up losing

"What time is it?" Elizabeth asked

"It's about to be two" I replied looking at the clock above my bed

"Oh shit really?" She asked

I nodded

"I have to run home real quick" she replied

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