Apartment hunting

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"Are you girls sure this is the right move?" My mom asked

"I actually don't know. We've talked about moving in together a lot. It's just the matter of actually doing it" I replied

"You know you can stay here as long as you want.. this is a place where you don't have to pay rent, utilities, and wait weeks for someone to fix your dish washer" she continued

"I know, but I feel like I'm getting too old to be living with my parents. I mean Jess, Carmen, Brandon, and Justin all have places of their own" I pointed out

"Is it me and your father? Are we too overbearing?" My mom asked

"God no. If anything you're not protective enough" I said with a light laugh

"Well if that's the case, we can learn to be more protective" she said

"It has nothing to do with you and dad at all" I told her

"Oh god" she gasped

I grew confused

"The time has come" she said

"What?" I asked

She started shaking and rubbing her head

"What mom?" I asked genuinely confused

"You met a boy and now you want to move out so you can have alone time with him all of the time" she said

I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. Dying laughing of course

"Heyy- what's going on?" Liz asked as she walked in through the front door

"She's laughing at me" my mom told my friend

When I started to calm down, I had to wipe my tears from my eyes

"Why were you laughing at me?" My mom asked

"Yea, why were you laughing at her?" Liz asked

"You'll never believe what she just said.. she said that I want to move out because I met a boy and I want alone time with him all of the time" I explained as I began to feel the laughter coming up again

This time it was Liz's turn to laugh. Tears started to form as her face was turning red

"I don't get what's so funny" my mom said deadpan

"What's funny is that you think I actually want to move out to have alone time with my secret boyfriend" I tried to hide my grin

"Am I wrong?" My mom asked

"Very" Liz giggled

I nodded agreeing with her

"I just think I'm at the point in my life where I can move out" I said honestly

My mom nodded

"I know, and you know your father and I support you either way" my mom said

"Thank you" I told her

"With that being said, are you ready?" Liz asked

I nodded

"How far is this apartment that you girls are looking at?" My mom asked

"It's like a thirty minute drive from here" I answered

My mom gritted her teeth

"But don't worry because after that one, we're looking at ones closer to here" I told her

"Good" my mom replied

"I should be back home soon" I told her as I was saying my goodbyes

"Stay safe" she told us

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