For better or for worse.

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He buckled himself up and asked, "So.... What now??"

Jeonghan looked out the window and thought. "Now.... Food. I'm hungry. Trust me all that water does not fill your stomach, that's for sure." Jeonghan said seriously.

Seungcheol gulped and Jeonghan could see sweat glistening on his forehead.

"Too soon for jokes??" Jeonghan teased.

"I uh-"

"Yeah too soon. Don't worry I won't talk about me almost drowning. Oops I did it again." Jeonghan smirked.

"You're so mean." Seungcheol turned towards the steering wheel and turned on the ignition while Jeonghan laughed weirdly in the back because laughing normally caused him chest pain.

"Stop laughing. You'll hurt yourself."

"I'll stop laughing when you'll stop whining." Jeonghan made a face in the rear view mirror.

"Let's get some food into you, otherwise you'll make my life hell." Seungcheol said getting on the road.

Jeonghan didn't know how it happened but somehow Seungcheol proved that he isn't going anywhere now. Ever. Jeonghan could try leaving him once again but he didn't think this time Seungcheol would let him.

Maybe it was him almost dying. Or him moving to Paris. Or him finally realising the reason he always left Seungcheol was because he was a huge coward and a self obsessed person.

Seungcheol wouldn't listen to any excuse without proofs this time and strangely Jeonghan didn't feel suffocated by that.

He felt loved. He felt as if someone cared.

"Did you mean it?" Jeonghan asked.

"What? Did I mean what?" Seungcheol asked with eyes on the road.

"That you..... That you'd have left everything behind and come with me?"

"Do you think I'd lie about something like this Jeonghan??"

"Just answer the damn question Coups. I almost died. Pardon me for not being able to use my brain at its full capacity." Jeonghan belted out.

Seungcheol sighed.

"Yes. I meant it. In fact I called Jeongyeon and offered her my position in my company since I'll be leaving."

"You've got to be kidding me Coups what did you do?? What if whoever this Jeongyeon person is accepts??? You'll be jobless."

"I think I'll have to mooch off of you for a while but I think I'll be able to find myself a decent job in Paris. Don't worry about me."

"No. No you stupid human. I'm not going to Paris. I'm quitting Meg's."

The car suddenly veered.

"What?? You're not going?? Why?? Is it because of me? I told you you don't need to limit yourself because of me. You're going to regret it."

"Will you listen to me now?? If you're done?"

"I uh.... I'm done."

"Good. Because I wanted to tell you that Soohyuk hyung offered me a job. Here. I don't need to move anywhere for it. And I think I'm gonna accept the offer."

"Are you sure?? Think about it, Jeonghan. You always wanted to travel the world."

"Going to Paris wasn't 'travelling the world' that I wanted. I would've had more work there than here because Paris is the epicenter of fashion. My work-life balance would've been crap if I went."

I Never Stopped Loving You | JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now