The Morning After.

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"We didn't use a condom. I'm sorry." Seungcheol whispered.

"Do you think you have an std?" Jeonghan whispered back.


"Then screw the condom. I'm clean too."

Seungcheol turned and fell back onto the bed so that Jeonghan could actually breathe.

Nobody said anything for several minutes as they were catching their breaths.

Suddenly Jeonghan shuddered and Seungcheol noticed goosebumps all over his body.

"You're cold. Wait let me clean us up and then you can have the blanket." Jeonghan nodded.

Seungcheol stood up moving towards the door but made a mistake of looking back.

He saw Jeonghan naked, head on pillow with his forearm covering his eyes. His lithe limbs and chest sweaty, asshole leaking, Seungcheol's semen running down his legs, nipples perked because he was cold, his dick limp on his stomach.

Seungcheol felt his dick harden.

Fuck me. What are you doing to me Yoon Jeonghan?? He won't be able to have another round, his stamina is trash. I told him working out increases the stamina but look at your slender arms and legs..... Man you haven't even worked out a day in your life, have you Yoon Jeonghan??
A cold shower it is then first.

Seungcheol went looking for a bathroom as this room didn't have one. He found one in what looked like the master bedroom and proceeded to take a cold shower while jerking to the thoughts of Jeonghan's sex noises.

He toweled himself, took a napkin and dampened it and went to Jeonghan to clean him up.

Grandma Grandma Grandma Grandma Grandma mom mom mom mom mom mom grandma and mom used to fight all the time..... Oh man is he asleep??? Should I clean him up or just let him sleep??

Seungcheol kept his thoughts clean so that he won't get turned on again. He straightened Jeonghan who was sleeping on his side and started wiping him up. He cleaned him and covered him with a blanket.

He turned off the lights, slipped under the covers and waited for another sleepless night as his insomnia had been working diligently these past few months.

He stared at Jeonghan. His long hair fanned on the pillow, sleeping peacefully as if there's no tomorrow. He thought about what Jeonghan said about not being responsible. What does this mean??? Are we together now? I wish we were. Seungcheol caressed Jeonghan's face and kissed him on the forehead.

He didn't know how long he stared Jeonghan but somehow, sleep caught him.

Jeonghan woke up with a pounding headache and pain all over his body, especially his sore asshole. Shit I should've listened to him and stopped when he told me too. He opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. He closed his eyes again and groaned.

"Hey, you're up. I ordered food for us."
Seungcheol said entering the room, looking fresh as a daisy, wearing a bathrobe and wet hair.

He jumped on bed, hitting Jeonghan with water droplets from his hair and giggled like a child.

"Somebody got laid last night" Jeonghan said rolling his eyes and massaging his forehead.

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