That's what best friends are for.

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Seungcheol sat in his cabin in front of his laptop trying to calculate where did the accounting go wrong. From time to time Jeonghan would flash in front of his eyes. His laugh, his hair, his lips, his moans, him. Just him.

Jeonghan was the only thing Seungcheol could think about and it was wreaking havoc on his concentration. He closed his laptop and put his head on the table and let out a muffled groan.

"Chan" he called out so that everyone can hear in his office.
"Yes boss?" Chan said from the door to his cabin.
"So you know you're full time employee now right?"
"Yeah.. thanks for the opportunity. I'll make sure you don't regret it."
"Yeah yeah whatever.... So you majored in finance right?"
"How could you give me a job and not read my rèsume??"
"Don't be a smartass. Just answer the question."
"Yes I majored in Finance and Accounting."
"Cool. So now you're head of finance department in Choi Consultancy Pvt. Lmt.. At this current time you're the only person in the department of finance since I most obviously just created it but yeah you're the head. Now go check your mail, I am sending you a file. Check it and get back to me. You're dismissed."
"Woah... Another promotion??!! Okay if I'm the head of finance, I'll need an increment in salary too."
"Told you not be a smartass. Now off you go." Seungcheol said waving his hand.

He took out his phone to ask Vernon if he's going to spend the night at Jeonghan's place when the door to his was barged open again.

Seungcheol looked at who it was and wanted to die.


"Hey... I know I shouldn't do this in the middle of the fucking day but my father is driving me crazy and I need a release. I'll buy you lunch too this time. Please have sex with me right now." She said joining her hands in front of Seungcheol.

"Yeah, about that... Can we like take a break from this??"

"The fuck Choi Seungcheol??? Are you okay? Are you sick?? Are you dying???"

"No. No I just don't feel like it. No offense but I'm going through something and I would like to keep my distance from your bed."

"Ohh my god.... You slept with someone else, didn't you??"

"NO. I mean yes... How... How did you know??"

"Ohh crap I was just teasing you but now I definitely know since you all but confirmed it."

Jeongyeon came closer to his desk and sucked in a breath.

"Are those.... Are all those marks on your neck hickeys??? It's either that or you have a pet vampire. At this moment I'd like the latter."

Seungcheol touched his neck instinctively.

"Weren't we exclusive Seungcheol?? If this was a relationship, what you did would be defined as cheating."


"You never let me give you hickeys..."

"Stop being so butthurt over this Jeongyeon. You never gave me hickeys because you never let me give you hickeys either. And it wasn't just anyone I slept with."

"Who's the girl?? Who gave you such good sex that you're throwing me aside??" Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow.

"It was a guy."

Jeongyeon fell from the hand she was leaning on the Seungcheol's desk. Her eyes widened. She whispered. "Was it him?"

"Yes. It was him." Seungcheol nodded.

"Seriously? How did you guys even meet? And woah you already slept with him?? Where did chivalry go??"

"He's Seungkwan's brother."

I Never Stopped Loving You | JEONGCHEOLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang