Do you want to stay with me??

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Seungcheol tried to politely put distance between himself and his 'new friend'.
He wouldn't have minded the attention on any other day but this was clearly making Jeonghan uncomfortable who was fidgeting like a nervous bride at this point.

Before he could do anything, Jeonghan stood up, gulped two shots with no gap and walked towards the dance floor and almost hurled himself in the nearby booth. Ohh crap he's drunk. 

"Hey I appreciate your interest in me but you should know I'm not available, you know, for anything that includes touching." Seungcheol said to the girl and pointed towards her hands on his abs.

The girl removed her hand as if she'd get burned by his body. She shifted towards the end of the booth and said "Well too bad. And no offense or anything but I think I was using you to get the attention of someone." The girl shrugged.

Seungcheol laughed and replied "Ohh I hope I was any use to you. I gotta go check on my friend now." Seungcheol said pointing towards dance floor.

"Friend?? No wonder he sulked off to go away from you. Men are so dense sometimes, you guys just can't understand body language can you?"

"I'm sorry what? Are you saying he's interested in me?? You're way off. He doesn't want to do anything with me."

The girl patted his chest and said "He doesn't want to do anything with you??? Honey He wants to do everything with you including unholy and holy." She winked and went away.

Seungcheol blinked. People shouldn't drink and give false hope to random people in random clubs. I wish Jeonghan would even talk nicely to me. Preferably when I'm not about to faint in the elevator.
Man that was embarassing. Jeonghan didn't need to see that when we are seeing each other for the first time in seven years. He sighed.

Seungcheol made his way towards dance floor and didn't like what he saw.

Jeonghan was dancing on his own and people around were frothing at their mouths watching him. Damn you Yoon Jeonghan for being so breathtakingly gorgeous. Why did you even wear that shred of cloth if you wanted to dance naked?? And you let your hair grow so long and then complain about it when someone calls you feminine.

Seungcheol saw a guy moving towards Jeonghan's swaying form and quickly made his way towards him and wrapped him in his arms.

Jeonghan turned around in his arms and tried to push him away but stopped when he might have realised that it was Seungcheol. The fact that he stopped pushing Seungcheol away came as a pleasant surprise to Seungcheol.

"Jeonghan, why would you wear something so revealing?? Were you trying to attract flies to shit??" Seungcheol snapped.

Jeonghan, in turn, slapped Seungcheol and squished Seungcheol's lips between two of his fingers and thumb to shut him up.

"Sshhhh. You talk to much." Jeonghan drawled putting his arms around Seungcheol's neck and transferring all his weight onto Seungcheol.

The song changed to Dimple by BTS but Jeonghan kept swaying.

"Why are your lips so pale?? Are you sick?? Are you dying?? Or you just don't eat food on time?" Jeonghan giggled.

"I...uh. ... hadn't noticed that Hannie. I'll make sure to eat my meals on time."

"Don't worry I'll indirect hint it to Seungkwan that people are dying due to iron deficiency these days so that he'll directly tell Hansol about it and Hansol being the sweet boy he is would make sure you consume the iron supplements he's going to buy for you." Jeonghan bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders as if saying look how clever I am.

I Never Stopped Loving You | JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now