Come back to me.

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Seungcheol saw Jeonghan talking to Soohyuk and laughing. Then their expressions turned serious. He couldn't figure out for the sake of his life what those two were discussing.

If he didn't know Soohyuk was marrying Hoshi, he'd even feel a bit jealous. Jeonghan was talking freely with him. How long has it been since Jeonghan had talked to him like that?

"Hey" someone tapped his shoulder. Seungcheol turned around to look at Jisoo.

"Hey. Hi." Seungcheol replied.

"I don't wanna do small talk. I'll just get to the point. I've known Jeonghan for seven years and I've never seen him this discontented with his life. He's even worse off than when we first met. He was in pretty bad mental shape then too. But this is so much worse. Maybe because he's older now. Or maybe because he's lost too much. One more hit, and Jeonghan would never be able to heal again. Even I and Seokmin and Seungkwan won't be able to fix him. So I'll just beg you to stop playing or trying with him. You should either be all in or vanish. He won't be able to survive again. He's my best friend and he'll be broken permanently. I know you care for him. I can see it in your eyes, that's why I'm ranting to you. Because I know you'll understand. Please please, make your mind and don't change it."

"Jeonghan hyung won't like it that you're talking about him behind his back without his permission." Seokmin materialized out of nowhere.

"What option do I have?? He's not gonna listen to me. He's not even listening to you for god's sake and he always listens to you. I told him to think about Paris. If that is a good decision or not but he just won't listen to me. Once he's gone, we'll never be able to bring him back again. Everything will change. He will change. And not for good." Jisoo gritted out.

"I'm sorry. I'm not able to follow you. Paris what?" Seungcheol asked.

"You don't know?" Seokmin asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know what?" Seungcheol asked in bewilderment.

"That Jeonghan is going to Paris??"

"So?? It's nice if he's going. He always wanted to travel the world." Seungcheol shrugged.

"Are you crazy?? How could you be so fine with him going away??" Jisoo questioned.

"I think you guys are overreacting. Give him a little credit. He can totally handle himself for a few weeks or months, however long he's going on a vacation for. He totally deserves it after what he's gone through." Seungcheol argued.

"Shua. I don't think he knows." Seokmin said whispering loudly to Jisoo.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know what you're saying." Jisoo replied back.

"What are you guys whispering about??" Seungcheol asked, irritated.

"You met Jeonghan when he was celebrating his promotion right? So what is his job after promotion?" Jisoo quizzed.

"The marketing head of Meg's headquarters." Seungcheol said.

"In Paris. He's the marketing head of Meg's' Paris headquarters. He's not going for a vacation. He's going permanently. Wake up Seungcheol. Wasn't your brother dating Kwannie?? How is this possible that you didn't know??"

"What??? Paris!!! I had no idea." Seungcheol whispered.

"Yeah that's obvious." Jisoo said.

Seungcheol laughed and didn't stop.

"Yoon Jeonghan. Him and his conniving ass. I'm not even surprised he didn't tell me. Because he is always manipulating me. But not this time." Seungcheol said and made his way towards Jeonghan who was now alone near the sea.

I Never Stopped Loving You | JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now