Two Days After The Letter ~ Jimmy Look Alike ~ Mirna

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"So, uh ... what grade are you?" he asks. I like the sound of his voice, slightly high for a guy, but very smooth. I bet he's a great singer.

"Sophomore," I say, and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Junior," he says.

"Really?" I tilt my head back to look up at him. I know I'm short, but he's nearly a foot taller than me. With that kind of height, I figured he was a senior.

"Yeah, I'm just tall for my height," he says, and then like he only just realized what he said, his face caves in with embarrassment. It's so cute.

"Oh, I see." I give him an encouraging smile. "I assumed you were old for your age." I laugh at my own joke, hoping to lighten the mood a little, but he's still embarrassed. "I didn't catch your name," I say, to keep him from dwelling on how much he is failing to hold a conversation.

"Oh, Kaden Hastings."

Kaden ... I cannot think of a rhyme for his name, which is how I always remember the names of new people I meet. I purse my lips. I don't want to forget his name. Kaden with hair so curly it'll never straighten. Well, that's the best I can do, I guess.

"Kaden. I'm Miri Horton, by the way." I reach out to shake his hand. He hesitates and then accepts the handshake, and I make sure to do things properly, the way Jimmy taught me. Match his grip, wait to shake until we're locked good and tight, two pumps, and let go.

"Mirna, huh? What a normal name," he says, suddenly going sarcastic on me.

"Oh, I know. Way weird, right?" I fold my arms behind my back and gaze forward down the hallway, thinking about how annoying it is that my real mother named me such an old-fashioned name. And then split. Literally the only thing she gave me is my god-awful name. "You can call me Miri if you want," I add, hoping the nickname will stick.

He smiles a devilish grin. "Like that movie, Zack and Miri Make a Porno."

My face goes hot. I do not want him thinking about that movie every time he sees me. "Just call me Mirna," I say hastily as I stare down the hallway. I catch him staring at me, and he looks down. That's when I notice his cute ears peeking out of his hair. They're red with embarrassment. Dang, he is so cute.

The hallway is almost empty. I head for the stairs and start down with him hurrying after me. The only sound is our loud footsteps echoing down the stairwell.

"The fine arts lockers are on the first floor," I say, with a casual tone, trying not to dwell on how awkward this whole moment has turned out to be. "Mostly they're for instruments, but the art people use them too."

The bell rings as we reach the first floor.

I lead Kaden down the hallway until I find his locker in the first section on the right side. The lockers are stacked two high, big squares. 705 The third locker on top. "Oh, lucky you. Your locker is close." I stop and study the combination on the card: 0 - 25 - 12. I spin the combination, pull the locker open, and step aside for him. "Keep this in a safe place, you have to return it at the end of the year." I hand the card to him.

"You know my combination now," he says as he pockets the card.

I cannot help but grin. "Yeah, you better watch out. I might steal your stuff."

Finally, he laughs, and dimples appear on his cheeks. Dang, this guy couldn't get any cuter!

"Let's take the elevator back up," I suggest, because we've missed too much of my favorite class as it is.

"There's an elevator?" he asks.

"Yeah." I beckon him to follow me.

He slams his locker shut and walks next to me all the way down the hallway. I pull out my key card and run it through the card scanner near the door. The elevator beeps and opens. I step into the elevator and push a button. He rushes in after me. The doors ease shut, and the elevator jerks and hums and lurches up.

Sapphire Eyes ~ 10 Chapter ChallengeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant