Volumes of Veezara (II)

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Veezara and Redcrest were up before sunrise. Veezara made a quick breakfast meal of his remaining centipedes and removed any trace of any presence he may have had on the forest floors. Redcrest secured his pillow case, tying it to his belt.

"Nothing more time consuming than digging for centipedes," he'd always grumble when he got that look from Veezara.

"Laziness is something we can't afford in our profession," Veezara would always retort. "Complacency and cessation are intersecting streets for a Shadowscale."

"Sithis have mercy. You know I'm not as versed in this language as you." Redcrest chuckled. "What is conplainingcy and what does it mean for it to insect with sensation?" Veezara returned the laugh.

"Egg brother, to do our job, we must be able to assimilate," Veezara lectured with a light-heart. He paused, seeing Redcrest tilt his head in confusion. "Assimilate. It's like... becoming a Lukiul so as to better move among the Mahleels, the humans." Redcrest brushed him off.

"Studies were always more your thing. I'm just here to get the offerings to Sithis." Veezara ignored him.

With the sun out, it was easy to see how Redcrest got his name. A crest that was a bright crimson arched from the top of his head. It was surrounded by feathers on either side that were all shades of red, yellow, and orange. Not at all quiet colors or something you'd expect of a Shadowscale. His outfit was the opposite, that of the traditional male Argonians who were training as Shadowscales. Light armor crafted with leather. Plain and without designs for they had yet to earn those. The main color was black, while a secondary color of a dark red ran across threads as well as the shoulder, elbow, and knee pieces. Dark Brotherhood colors, where they hoped their future would go. Veezara wore the same. The only difference in outfit was the hood that Redcrest sported. With his flamboyant crest, it was a necessity.

Veezara and Redcrest climbed trees and found branches to perch that allowed for them to be hidden. An hour or two passed by when a bird flew onto Veezara's shoulder. It was fitted with a saddle that had a piece of paper attached. Immediately upon removing this paper, the bird flew off.

"What news does the bird sing?" Redcrest inquired. "Are we laying on spikes until our tails go numb? Or maybe enduring lashings until we faint? Maybe we'll get my favorite. You know when we have to catch fish and avoid Wamasu with zero detection!" The hood covered the feathers, but they shuttered with excitement. Veezara unrolled the paper and read the contents.

"You might find this even more desirable." Veezara ate the sheet as was custom. No evidence is the nature of their business.

"Sword or knife training? Archery until ours claws peel from hands? Speak!"

"It seems we have a field test. A big one." Redcrest's eyes tightened with intrigue, but caution. "There are two who have been troublesome in Black Marsh."

"Who?" Redcrest could hear the disgust in Veezara's voice.

"They're brothers. Their names are unknown, but they are called the Scale Shaver, and his brother is the Scale Slaver. They are capturing Saxhleel. Those captured are tortured and brought back to Morrowind and Solstheim." His words were filled with venom. Any excitement had left Redcrest. He was all business.

"Where are they?"

"Stormhold is the area they were last seen

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"Stormhold is the area they were last seen. That's a few days travel from Gideon." Redcrest said nothing and immediately took off, jumping from branch to branch. Veezara followed with haste.

-----------------------26hrs Later---------------------

With pure determination driving them and limited breaks, Veezara and Redcrest reached Stormhold within the day. As usual, they found a tree to perch on.

"What's the plan?" Redcrest asked. It was an empty question. Veezara knew this. They'd been in training together since they were hatchlings. Nonverbal communication is big in Saxhleel culture, but this went beyond this.

He'll want to split up Veezara thought to himself. He knew Redcrest wasn't thinking with a sound mind. His head looked like flames because of his crest and feathers. This fit with how hot- headed he could get. But this was one of the few times Veezara couldn't blame him.

"Listen Redcrest," Veezara started. "We can split up, but keep your profile low. We'll do some scouting."

"Return here in a day to discuss our findings." Redcrest was rushing Veezara. He was itching to go. Veezara acknowledged him with a nod. Redcrest scuttled down the tree and dashed off. Veezara watched his egg brother disappear into the dense forest.

Be careful, Egg brother...

Veezara climbed higher into the tree. So high that the forest floor disappeared from him. Content with his spot, he removed his clothing and hid it away. He dropped down from the trees. Landing at the base of the tree, he looked both ways. No sign of movement, but the forest was humming with life. He cautiously made his way to the murky waters and went under.

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