Party at the blight manor pt3

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(Luzs pov)

I play my guitar just how I used to feeling the nostalgia but it quickly fades when I start singing cause I used to hardly sing in the band and now I'm lead singing in front of a crowd, luckily I know all the words like the back of my hands.

Luz: We were speeding together
Down the dark avenues
But besides of the stardom
All we got was blues

As I start singing I hear some gasp and clap other yell and jam along to the instruments.

Luz: But through all of that sorrow
We were riding high
And the truth of the matter is
I never let you go, let you go

I look to my friends, now that I'm singing this song it seems very fitting for us.

Luz: We were scanning the cities
Rocking to pay the dues
But besides of the glamour
All we got was bruised

But through all of that sorrow
We were riding high
And the truth of the matter is
I never let you go, let you go

When I sing these lyrics, I can't help but be reminded about the day of unity and being forced into the human realm not knowing if we'd get back to the isles. Or when we made it back and didn't know how to defeat the collector and belos. But we got through it in the end, I mean I did die but it's in the past, that reminds me I've never told them about that, it's probably important that I do soon, I just never had the chance.

Luz: You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross

If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that

The holy Mary parts has always been my favorite of the song, nothing has changed even when I'm the one singing it, I actually like it more now.

Luz: We were searching for reasons
To play by the rules
But we quickly found
It was just for fools

Now through all of this sorrow
We'll be riding high
And the truth of the matter is
I never let you go, let you go

I take a deep breath and grab the mic dropping the guitar and it swinging a little from the strap. I look to amity, and breath our beginning my absolute favorite part.

Luz: You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a

You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Your beauty never ever scared me
Mary on a, Mary on a cross

I could feel everyone in the crowd calm down and get entranced by the music, but I don't care. I look amity deep in the eyes as I sing, I've never been scared of her beauty and I never will.

Luz: If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that

Nothing wrong with that,
Mary on a, Mary on a cross,
Nothing wrong with that,
Mary on a, Mary on a cross,
Mary on a, Mary on a cross

As I strum the last cord and the music halts I see everyone jumping and clapping around, I also see all my friends looking at me with smiles. As I walk up to the mic.

Luz: well I hope you enjoyed, I won't be showing my identity until I play an actual concert with you so I guess you'll have to wait. But anyways, I haven't performed like that in a while, it was extremely exhilarating, I want to play one more song for you if it's ok with the blights?


Ed: yeahhhhhhh!

And amity held up a thumbs up.

Luz: I guess you'll get one more, but let's turn this into a real party shall we.

I motioned Gus over to turn the lights red when I start the music.

Luz: enjoy~

( it won't let me put another video up top so I'm just gonna make a forth chapter for this, that's why this one is so short, enjoy!)

Words 726

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