Chapter 51 - Priorities

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Paul pulled him into Adam into his arms and buried his face in the warm curve of his neck.  Gently rocking him back and forth and stroking his back until he felt  the tension melt away.  "The only thing you have to think about is where you want to go first.  Anywhere.  I'll leave it to you, my love.  We're free."  

Paul cupped Adam's face.  "We're free to do whatever we want."   Another kiss was followed by another, each becoming more passionate. It was the first time since the middle of the wedding that they'd had a chance to be this close.  

"'s getting warm in here."  After a loud fake cough Shaun said loudly enough to remind them they had an audience. " I personally think what you did Paul was incredibly romantic, to give up everything for the love of your life and run off into the sunset together's LEG...END...ARY.  Everyone loves a happy ending."  

There was a growl from the other end of the couch and Shaun instantly wished he had kept his mouth shut, he'd just stuck his foot in it up to the ankle.   Shaun didn't dare look in Constantine's direction because he could imagine the were was glaring at him.   It was incredibly tactless of him to applaud Paul's romantic grand gesture when he had point-blank refused to do the same for Constantine.  Shaun remembered the were's flushed face when he whispered "Stay with me and be my mate" and then the OTHER FACE, the cold angry one, when he'd said absolutely nothing..."

Shaun wished he could take back the words when the growling continued and he could feel the angry heat coming of f Constantine.  I really need to read the room better Shaun told himself as jumped up from the couch.

"As much as I know you two want your favourite human to stay and chat, this mere mortal needs several drinks to get over today's dramas.  So ciao."  Shaun pushed his way dramatically between the two and grabbed his friend by the shoulders.  

"Call me tomorrow."  Adam smiled and let himself get lifted off his feet in a bear hug. Shaun whispered in his ear.  "So fucking happy for you."


If Shaun had been a little quicker and not taken the time for the hug he may have gotten away but a strong hand fell heavily on his shoulder just as he stepped outside the front door.

"Not so fast. We're finally going to end this conversation...properly."  Shaun was pressed against the wall by a very angry were.  Constantine was more handsome close up, unlike most people where closeness revealed imperfections.  It wasn't the case with Constantine, his skin was more tanned than before, smooth and unblemished.  His curls had grown longer and turned into thick coils that sat in different lengths around his collar and those eyes,  they made Shaun's insides melt. 

"No more silent treatment, no more ignoring me. I want...ooof."  Constantine was startled when he was forcefully pushed back, his words cut off.  The were was surprised that the human had it in him but then again Shaun tended to do things he didn't expect.  It was one of the things he really liked about him

"You are a first class dickhead."  Shaun stabbed a pointy finger in Constantine's chest as he snarled up at him.   "YOU froze ME out."  Shaun was furious, thinking the were was in desperate need of a reality check.  Constantine had a way of getting under his skin, twisting things around so that he ended up being the bad guy.

"For the sake of accuracy. I"  Stab. 

"didn't" Stab.

"say no." Stab stab stab.

"In fact, I never got to say anything."  It was Constantine's turn to get pushed against the wall.  "Cause YOU... started huffing and puffing and cut me off."  Shaun even managed to get a big bad wolf analogy in.  

But as the last word left his mouth he deflated like a balloon because he couldn't avoid the glaring truth of their situation.  Stepping back he shrugged his shoulders and tried to compose himself before he looked up at Constantine.  The were was right, there were a lot of things left unsaid.  Constantine deserved an answer and Shaun wanted to finally say what he'd been thinking for the last few months.

"The truth is ..... I do like you, a lot actually."  He pushed himself to continue when Constantine's face didn't change, his eyes were shifting colours and unreadable, his jaw clenched.    

Shaun blushed at what he was about to say but he wanted to get it all off his chest.  "See it from my point of view.  I'd just been on my knees giving my first blow job.  Putting it mildly, I was conflicted.  Suddenly, you were talking about being your mate.  I hadn't even gotten passed the fact you were a guy." Shaun took a breath.  He'd had this conversation with himself a million times over the last few months.

"I've  thought about it a great deal."  Shaun stared at his shoes because they didn't glare back at him

"I'm confused about being attracted to you.  I've never been interested in guys and it's taking me a while to work it out.  My body says one thing and my head says's fucking confusing. The fact you're a werewolf...well that's a whole different bag of weird."  Shaun stopped, confessing was hard work, painful.   

"I couldn't have said yes that night.... and I can't say yes now. I still don't understand how I feel about you. I like you and I want you but I don't think that's what you want from me."  

"You needed an answer... so there it is." Shaun was shaking, his emotions raw and exposed.  The moments passed and Shaun found waiting for Constantine's reprisal to crash down on him was even worse than sharing his feelings.  He kept staring at his shoes, they needed cleaning he told himself.

"So...let me get this straight.  You didn't say NO."  Constantine's shoes moved closer to Shaun's shoesShaun didn't raise his head, this waiting was awful, just tell me you think I'm an immature a-hole and hate my guts and end this.  

"I thought I made it clear I said nothing.  I froze.  It was a deer in headlights moment."   Shaun finally lifted his eyes to meet Constantine's.  Why was he prolonging the agony and making this more difficult.  "Whatever."

"So you didn't say no."  Shaun nodded and wondered if the Were was hearing impaired, or had selective deafness.  Then Constantine's face did a strange thing, the anger fell away and he was smiling.   

"Fine, I can work with that. I'll have to work harder at getting you to say Yes."  Before Shaun could react one way or another he was hauled up against Constantine's chest and their mouths were locked in a fierce kiss.  "Starting now." 

"OmyfufingGo...oahhhh."  Was all Shaun could manage as Constantine began to grind himself against his crouch.


Paul had shed his jacket and tie and was sitting with Adam on the couch, resting shoulder to shoulder and holding hands, enjoying being close and alone.   

They smiled conspiratorially at each other and then started laughing.  

"You heard all that?"  Paul asked, unable to control his laughter until he covered his mouth.  

Adam was in the same state.  He couldn't stop the giggles.  "What can I say, Lycan hearing can be a curse sometimes."  Both of them burst into another fit of laughter.  "Hey... they can't blame us for eavesdropping they weren't quiet about it."

Paul's normally icy face was flushed from laughing so hard.  "It's going to be impossible not to think BLOW JOB when I see those two again."  He wiped tears from his eyes.  "I don't think there's much hope of your friend keeping his virginity past tonight."

Adam finally caught his breath. "I suppose they'll work out their feelings eventually."

The two distracted themselves with small talk until the murmurings from outside stopped.  There was silence for a long while.  Paul laid down, his head on Adam's lap.  He looked across the room at his suit jacket hanging over a chair.  Very soon that will be a thing of the past.  

"I was just thinking of where we could go first."  Adam mused as his fingers sifted through Paul's hair.


"I hear Venice is lovely."

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