Izuku Forgive Uraraka

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Watchdog: He's just a scared little bitch

Lady Nagant:Yeah he is(Thinks)He not little

Lady Nagant immediately started to blush and get hot

Lady Nagant:Haji...It has been a while since you gave me anything are you tired of me

Watchdog:Of course no no I'm always in the mood but it's just these missions be hard I'm in the mood

Then Watchdog gets a call from All for One then he picks it up then after a few moments he hangs up

Watchdog:It the master he wants to speak to you

Lady Nagant:Ok Set the mood in the room and I'll be there it only takes 15 minutes at best

Watchdog:Alrighty then I'll see you there

Lady Nagant then went to all for one he is and he's sitting down on a throne-like thing

Lady Nagant:All for one you wanted to see me

All for one:Yes I do I have a question are you done lying to him yet

Lady Nagant started to get a little nervous but she maintains her composer

Lady Nagant:I don't know what your-

All for one:Hahahaa cut the crap Nagant I know how you assassins work you are lying to him

Lady Nagant:I seriously don't know-

All for one:Hahahaah Nagant you seriously want to lie to the demon lord All for one that takes some balls now tell the truth

Lady Nagant:I-

All for one:Now Nagant tells the truth What happens...I know the truth but I want to hear it come out you now tell what happens

Lady Nagant (Sigh)I didn't slip and fell

All for one:Well that's obvious I want to get to the good part what did you do

Lady Nagant: I. I slept with Izuku

All for one:Wow I was expecting something different but you slept with him With Izuku James honestly I was expecting something different but after all that shoot I wouldn't be surprised if he did in front of Watchdog... and by the way, I almost blew you up but I decided to give you a chance and you technically did it fail me but I'm not going to blow you up because I am too interested what is going to happen besides this whole War with the Heroes your situation is pretty interesting and entertaining so tell me what happened for real

Lady Nagant:I slept with Izuku I was so curious about his you know...And I thought it was just a myth but He got me and I'm sorry

All for one:Why are you apologizing to me...You didn't cheat on me but I appreciate... the only way I can forgive you is if you tell me everything in the details tell me now was he better than your boyfriend

Lady Nagant:Y...Yes I am afraid he is

All for one:Do you love him

Lady nagant:.....No I don't

All for one:Are you sure because you took a very long time to answer that

Lady Nagant:No I don't I swear I don't

All for one:But here's what I think and you don't have to agree with me but tell me if I'm accurate after you made love with him and I hate turn into love or at least lust I'm I correct

Lady Nagant was silent but she knows he right

All for one:I assume that silent meaning I'm right...You can go now but remember I'll be on stand by but I won't tell him I'm just a spectator you can go now

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