"Sounds perfect!"

"Alright calm down jumping bean, now let's really seal the deal."

I'm confused by what he means by sealing the deal but before I know he snakes his big arm around my waist, forcing my feet forward as we make our way back to the courtyard.

Holding our heads up high we walk past the Slytherins earning gasps and whispers as well as some banter.

"Oh my god Amalia, I can't believe this."

Draco fake sobs into Crabbe as he pays his back, shaking his head at me in disappointment.

"Oh believe it mate. Amalia and I will be the best looking pair at the Yule Ball."

Fred spits out as we stop dead in front of them.

"See you soon love."

He does the unthinkable.


I know it's not that big of a deal but to me it is! I am a bit taken back but give him the fakest warm smile I could form. As he walks away I spot Theo standing directly behind Fred was once standing.

Theo slowly makes his way towards me, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet deep in the ground.

"What was that about?"

Pansy mouths to me.

"You're seriously asking her why Theo is upset, we all are! We have a fallen soldier!"

It seems like Draco didn't catch on to anything, neither did Pansy, but I could see doubt riddled across her face.

"Alright, Mattheo and I have to get to potions, see you all later!"

Grabbing Mattheo from where he was, I drag him to potions.

"Oi, slow down! I'm walking, I'm walking."

He catches his feet up to his body as we walk arm in arm to potions.

"Are you alright Malia-"

We stand in the door way staring at my table, Theo was now placed where the Ravenclaw once was. Mattheo let's go of my arm, speed walking his way to Theo.

Theo is of course staring at me as Mattheo tries to get a word out of him. Removing his eyes from mine, he leans into Mattheo's ear, forcing him back up with his arms up as if he's an innocent man and walks to his table.

Suspicion is coursing through my veins as I stand on the opposite side of the table.

Instead of keeping my head down which I so godly want to do right now, I stare back at Theo, giving him the most uninterested look I could form.

"Your perfume is atrociously strong today, you bathe in it to impress Weasley."

Theo's jaw clenching, maintaining eye contact.

Before I could make a snarky comment back Snape slams the door behind him.

"Today we will be focusing on a certain type of potion, for demonstration purposes, Ms. Zabini, I am in need of your assistance."

I head towards the front of the classroom as Snape places the cauldron before me.


He insists. I don't hesitate, Snape scares me, just like he does the rest of us Slytherin.

"How would you describe this smell."

I can't formulate the exact smell, it smells so homely, yet potent.

Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies to Lovers StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora