As he selected his items—a cup of instant ramen, a can of iced coffee, and a chocolate bar—Yoongi's thoughts briefly drifted to the members of BTS. He imagined them scattered across the world, each pursuing their passions and seeking their own solace.

Under this quiet backdrop, fate worked its magic, bringing Jihyo and Yoongi into the same aisle. Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still for a fleeting moment—the ordinary transformed into the extraordinary.

Their eyes met again as they approached the counter, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. The convenience store's fluorescent lights seemed to soften around them, casting a gentle glow on their shared moment.

"Are you...?" Jihyo began tentatively.

"Yeah, Yoongi from BTS," he finished with a faint smile. "And you're Jihyo from TWICE."

Their laughter mingled, breaking the ice and forming an instant connection. As they paid for their items and stepped out into the night, a sense of companionship enveloped them.

Jihyo's lips curved into a surprised smile as recognition dawned in her eyes. 

Yoongi's surprise mirrored hers, a mixture of disbelief and curiosity flashing across his features. "Yeah, that's right."

At that moment, their worlds collided—an encounter born from the convergence of shared yearnings and mutual recognition. The convenience store, an unassuming backdrop to countless transactions, now held the potential to redefine their perceptions of each other and themselves.

Jihyo's smile deepened, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them. "Late-night snacks?"

Yoongi chuckled, a warmth spreading through his chest.

"Yeah, it seems like we had the same idea." The tension that often accompanied their public personas melted away as they exchanged a knowing glance. In this quiet corner of the city, they were simply Jihyo and Yoongi—two fellow idols sharing a quiet moment away from the spotlight.

With a newfound ease, they navigated the store's aisles together, engaging in lighthearted banter and shared laughter. Their conversation flowed effortlessly as if they had known each other for far longer than their brief encounter suggested.

"Seaweed snacks?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow playfully, eyeing Jihyo's selection.

Jihyo grinned. "A guilty pleasure. What about your iced coffee?"

"It's my lifeline," Yoongi admitted, a playful glint in his eyes. "Sometimes, the late nights just demand it."

Their exchange was punctuated by genuine laughter, a reminder of the shared humanity that bound them despite their roles as idols. They were no longer just representatives of their respective groups but individuals seeking solace in the simplest of moments.

After paying for their items, they stepped outside, the night air wrapping around them like a comforting embrace. The city's rhythm continued around them, its heartbeat a soothing backdrop to their shared connection.

"Would you like to take a walk?" Yoongi asked, his voice carrying a rare hint of vulnerability.

Jihyo nodded, walking side by side, the city's vibrant energy blending seamlessly with their candid conversation.

They found a bench and sat down in the quiet corners of a nearby park. With the moon as their witness, they spoke of their journeys, dreams, and struggles along the way. Their stories intertwined like melodies in a harmonious duet.

Jihyo talked about the pressures of being a leader, her expectations, and the moments of self-doubt that had occasionally crept in. Yoongi, in turn, shared his experiences of grappling with his artistry, of striving for perfection while battling his inner demons.

One Summer's DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora