Chapter 16❤️

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The next morning.

Around 5 a.m. in the morning, they are sleeping together suddenly Gonca start to cry because she is hungry and Zeynep wake up and take Gonca on her arms and start to breastfeed her. A few minutes later after she breastfeed her, she put Gonca back on the bed and she continues to sleep.

Around 7 a.m. in the morning, Zeynep wake up and look at her love one. She smiled then she get up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After she shower she went out and wear her clothes. Then she went beside Musa and kiss his forehead.

Zeynep ~ (Kiss his forehead twice to wake him up) Good morning my husband.
Musa ~ Good morning my wife. (He kiss her cheeks) How are you today??
Zeynep ~ I'm good, you??
Musa ~ I'm good too. I will go and take a shower first okay??
Zeynep ~ Okay my love.

Musa get up and went to the bathroom to take a shower meanwhile Zeynep is sitting beside Gonca and she's talking with her little angel.

Zeynep ~ My beautiful angel, how fast you're growing up. (She kiss her cheeks) how time flies, next month will be your two month old. I feel likes i just gave birth to you yesterday. (She look at Gonca and smile)

After Musa finished take his shower, he went out and wear his clothes then he went to Zeynep and Gonca.

Musa ~ My little angel is growing up huh?? Next month will he her two months old isn't it my life??
Zeynep ~ Yes, next month will be her two month old. I can't believe she already grown up and I just feel like, I gave birth to her yesterday. How time flies.
Musa ~ Yes, the time flies so fast. I think when she's about to be one year, we can have another child. (He smirk at her)
Zeynep ~ Ah ah, really?? Did you want another child??
Musa ~ Ah ah, why not?? Maybe we can have another two child?? (He smirk)
Zeynep ~ Wahh, look at him, he really wants many children. So you want to have three child aren't you??
Musa ~ Yes, I want three child. Can't i??
Zeynep ~ Of course you can, anything for you my love. (She wink at him) let's go to the living room and have our breakfast together.
Musa ~ Okay, let's go, I'm hungry.

Zeynep take Gonca in her arms and they went to the living room together. All of them were already in the living room's having their breakfast.

M and Z ~ Good morning everyone.
Everyone ~ Good morning to both of you too.
Mother Emine ~ Zeynep, Musa, come sit and enjoy your breakfast. Zeynep, let me hold Gonca so you can have your breakfast.
Zeynep ~ Alright mother. (She gave Gonca to her mother and sit back to have her breakfast)

They are having their breakfast together, laughing and talking. After their breakfast, Zeynep decides to visit her aunt.

Zeynep ~ My life, can we go and visit aunt Leyla?? I miss her so much.
Musa ~ Alright, let's go. Mother, we will go to Aunt's Leyla house and maybe we will back around 4 p.m.
Mother Emine ~ Alright my dear, have fun.

They went to their car and Musa drove off to aunt Leyla's house. A few minutes later they arrived at aunt Leyla's house. They went out from their car and went to the door and knocked.

Aunt Leyla ~ Wait a minute. (She went to the door and opened it. She saw Musa, Zeynep and Gonca) Ah ah, look who's here?? Welcome, come in.
M and Z ~ Thank you aunt Leyla.

They went in and went to the living room and they all sit in the sofa.

Zeynep ~ How are you aunt Leyla??
Aunt Leyla ~ I'm good, how about you two??
M and Z ~ We're good too.
Aunt Leyla ~ What's bring you here??
Zeynep ~ I miss you so much so i ask Musa to bring me here.
Aunt Leyla ~ I miss you too. (She look at Gonca) ayy my beautiful little angel, how fast are you growing up??
Zeynep ~ Next month will be her two month old.
Aunt Leyla ~ I can't believe that she's turning two months old next month, how time flies.
Zeynep ~ Me too, I can't believe that she's almost two months old. I just feel like I just gave birth to her yesterday. (Tears start to fall down from her eyes)
Aunt Leyla ~ My dear, she will be beautiful like you when she grows up. I wish that she will happy always amin.
M and Z ~ Amin.
Aunt Leyla ~ So, when did you guys plan to have a second baby??
Musa ~ I already told her that we will have our second baby when Gonca is turning one years old.
Aunt Leyla ~ That's a good idea. Zeynep can rest for a while, you don't need to rush cause you guys are still young and still have time. So, how long will both of you being staying here??
Zeynep ~ We will went back around 4 p.m. because Gonca cannot be out until night cause she still a baby.
Aunt Leyla ~ Okay, next time maybe you can stay here for three days? Can you?
Zeynep ~ I'm okay with that but still need to ask Musa. My love, are you okay with this?
Musa ~ Yeah, I'm okay with that. Next time we will stay here.

Never give up on our love❤️💯Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ