Chapter 12❤️

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In the evening.

The lovebirds are still sleeping in each other's arms and their lips are still touching. Suddenly Zeynep wake up because her stomach's hurts and she saw that her water already broke. She woke Musa.

Zeynep ~ (She in pain) Ow, ow, Musa, Musa, wake up, my water already broke.
Musa ~ (He panickly woke up) Zeynep, we need to go to the hospital now.

He took their beg and slowly take Zeynep's hand and slowly help her up. They slowly went to the car and Musa quickly drive straight to the hospital. A few minutes later they arrived at the hospital.

Musa ~ (Panicked) Help!!! Help!!! My wife is going to delivered the baby.

The nurse quickly bring the wheelchair to them and slowly help Zeynep out from the car and put her on the wheelchair. She push the wheelchair straight to the labour room.

Nurse ~ Sir, you need to wear this cloth before you went in.

Musa take the cloth that the nurse gave to him and wear. Atfer that he went inside the labour room to accompany Zeynep.

Doctor ~ Mrs. Bayri, you need to take a breath and exhale then push okay.
Zeynep ~ Okay i will.
Doctor ~ Take a deep breath, exhale and push. (She push) That's good, try it one more time, take a deep breath, exhale and push. (She push for a second time) Okay the baby almost out. One last push, take a deep breath and push. (She push for one last time and the baby already delivered)

Musa and Zeynep look at each other's face and smile. Both of them cry out of happiness. Musa went to the doctor to take their baby and he holds her. He bring their baby to Zeynep. He put the baby in Zeynep's arms and both of them smiling happily. After that the doctor brings the baby to the cares room to monitor the baby and they bring Zeynep to the ward. Musa also went to the ward to check on Zeynep.

Musa ~ Zeynep, how are you?? Are you okay?? Is there anything hurt??
Zeynep ~ I'm fine, thank you.
Musa ~ (He smile) Thank you Allah for giving me such a beautiful baby and didn't make the process hard for Zeynep to delivered the baby. Finally we already became a parents. What you want to give the baby's name??
Zeynep ~ I think I want to give her name Gonca. It's such a sweet name.
Musa ~ That's great. Gonca Eğilmez Bayri, i love it.

Soon the nurse bring the baby to them and ask Zeynep to breastfeed her. Zeynep took the baby and hold her in her arms and the nurse leaves them.

Zeynep ~ (Smiling) My dear Gonca, how beautiful and cute you are.
Musa ~ (Smile) Yeah, she so beautiful and cute. (He bring his face to Zeynep's and kiss her lips. She reciprocate his kiss) Thank you my life because you give me such a beautiful and cute baby. You make me the happiest man in this world.
Zeynep ~ (Smile) You're most welcome my love. (She kiss his forehead)

Zeynep is breastfeeding her baby while Musa is looking at both of them with a happy smile. After the breastfeeding, Zeynep put her baby in the portable crib and she went back to sleep. Musa kiss Zeynep's forehead and when to the sofa to sleep.

The next morning.

Musa woke up and saw that Zeynep is still sleeping and he walk to the baby crib and saw that his daughter also sleeping. Both of them were sleeping like an angel. He went to the toilet and take a shower. After he finished take a shower, he wore his clothes and went to Zeynep. He kiss her lips and woke her up.

Musa ~ (Smiles at her) Good morning my beautiful wife.
Zeynep ~ Good morning my handsome husband. What's the time now??
Musa ~ It's almost 8 in the morning.
Zeynep ~ It's still early and I'm still tired. (She's yawning)
Musa ~ Okay but first you need to eat some breakfast and you need to breastfeed Gonca, after that you can rest and sleep back okay??
Zeynep ~ Okay.

He help her up and bring the table near her bed and feed her some food. After she finished eating, she take her baby out from the crib and held her in her arm and breastfeed her. Later she went to the toilet to take a shower, after that she wear her clothes and Musa is helping her prepare everything before they went back to their home.

At home.

They were welcome by their families.

Everyone ~ Welcome home.
Zeynep and Musa ~ (Smiles at them) Thank you so much.

Musa helped Zeynep went to the sofa and she sit. He sit beside her.

Mother Emine ~ Aww the baby is so cute. What is her name??
Musa ~ Her name is Gonca Eğilmez Bayri.
Everyone ~ That is a lovely name.
Musa and Zeynep ~ Thank you so much everyone.
Aunt Leyla ~ Zeynep, can i hold the baby??
Zeynep ~ Yes, sure aunt. (Aunt Leyla went to Zeynep and Zeynep slowly put Gonca on Aunt Leyla arms.) Here you go.
Aunt Leyla ~ She so cute and when she grew up she will be beautiful like her mother amin, insyaallah.
Everyone ~ Amin, insyaallah.
Zeynep ~ With everyone's permission, i will like to go to my room and i want to rest.
Everyone ~ Sure, you may go.

Musa help Zeynep to stand up and bring her to their room. He bring her to their bed. She slowly sit and lay down on the bed.

Musa ~ You rest and i will go outside. If you want anything just shout my name and i will immediately come.
Zeynep ~ Why you need to go outside?? Can't you just stay with me please?? (Make a cute face)
Musa ~ (Look at her and smirk) wow, wow, wow, there's someone being so clingy today even though she already become a mother. (He is teasing her and laugh)
Zeynep ~ (Make a sad face) Why, can't i be clingy with my own husband?? He is my daughter's father too. If I can't be clingy with you anymore then i won't do that again.
Musa ~ (He laugh) look, now there's someone is sulking. My life, I'm joking. Who says that you can't be clingy with me?? Of course you can, you're my wife and I'm your husband. (He went to the bed and sit beside her) Okay come i will cuddle you until you sleep, then i will go outside and take a look at Gonca okay??
Zeynep ~ Okay.

He hugged her and kissed her lips, she reciprocate his kiss. Then she fell asleep in his arm. He look at her beautiful face and kiss her forehead. 20 minutes later he get up from the bed and went to the living room to see what is eveyone is doing and he also want to look at his daughter too.

Mother Emine ~ Did Zeynep already sleep??
Musa ~ Yes, she just sleep and i want her to take a rest cause she is very tired.
Mother Emine~ Yes, she need to rest and i will take care of Gonca, you can go to your room and sleep. If Gonca is crying, i will bring her to you okay.
Musa ~ Are you sure mother??
Mother Emine ~ Yes, I'm sure, besides I'm not alone, your Aunt Leyla, Farya and everyone else is here too, so you can go and rest too okay.
Musa ~ Alright mother.

He went to their room and slowly open the door. He saw his wife is sleeping like an angel. He slowly went in and slowly close the door. He went to their bed and lay down beside her. He hugged her and soon he fell asleep too.

That's how their days end.


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