Chapter 2❤️

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5 months have pass and they love each other more every day. They always spend time together, walking at a beach, watching cinema, and had a dinner together.

One day, Musa decided to propose Zeynep to become his wife. He invited her to a dinner at the restaurant where they had their first dinner as a new couple.


He decided to call her to invite her to a dinner at the restaurant where they first had a dinner as a couple.

Musa ~ (Nervously dial Zeynep's number and call her)
Zeynep ~ (She picked up) Hello my love.
Musa ~ Hello my are you??
Zeynep ~ I'm fine thank you. You??
Musa ~ I'm fine too. Btw I want to invite you to a dinner tonight at the restaurant where we first had a dinner as a new couple.
Zeynep ~ Sure, what's the time are we going??
Musa ~ I pick you up around 8, can?? Btw, please wear your most beautiful dress okay??
Zeynep ~ Yeah sure. See you later my love.
Musa ~ (Excited) See you later my life.


Zeynep ~ What should I wear tonight?? He ask me to wear my most beautiful dress tonight, it's kinda weird...erm never mind.

She started choosing a beautiful dress that will make her look beautiful tonight. She suddenly found a dress that look so perfect for her. (She wore a long turquoise dress with a short sleeve, a black cardigan and a high heels) She started choosing a jewellery that suited with the dress and she put a litte bit of make up and she wear a mascara and a nude lipstick)


Musa ~ I ask her to wear her most beautiful dress tonight so i should wear a nice outfit for tonight too.

He started to try his clothes one by one to see which one that suits him. At last, he found a light blue shirt and a black coat. (He wear the light blue shirt with a black coat, a tie and black shoes). After he done, he took the ring that he already buy at the jewellery shop and put it inside his pocket and quickly went inside his car and drove off. (The jewellery that he wanted to give to Zeynep is a love shaped diamond ring with a lot of gold on it)

One hour later he arrives at Zeynep's house. As usual he waited her in front of his car. A few minutes later Zeynep came out and went straight to him. He was shocked because Zeynep looked so beautiful tonight.

Musa ~ Wow my life, you look so beautiful tonight and you're dazzling me.
Zeynep ~ (Shyly) Musa don't exaggerate, btw thank you so much my love, it's all for you. And you look so handsome and quite hot tonight. (winks)
Musa ~ It's all for you my life. Are you ready??
Zeynep ~ (Nervous) Yeah I'm ready, let's go.

He opens his cars door and let Zeynep get into the car and he close the door. He went to the other side, he opens his door and went inside. After he close the door, they drove off to the restaurant.

20 minutes later they arrived at the restaurant. Musa opened the car door for her and give his hand to help her out. She grab his hand and went out the car. They hold each other's hand and went straight to the restaurant. They arrived at their table, (they are so many candles along the way, rose petals and a few people playing violins) he pulls the chair for her to sit down and he sit in front of her. They ordered their meals and after their meal arrived they eat it.

After the meal, he stand up and went to her, he grab her hand and ask her to stand so she stand up and stand in front of him. He look straight in her emerald eyes and smiled at her. He took out the ring from his coat and kneeled down. She's shocked and don't know what to do.

Musa ~ Zeynep Eğilmez, would you be the missing part of my life? Be my wife for the rest of my life??
Zeynep ~ (Shock) i...yes i do (happy)
Musa ~ (Shock) finally you accept me to be your husband. (about to screm)

He look at her, exhale, smiles and wore the ring on her finger, she pulled him up and kiss his lips, they hug each other happily.

Zeynep ~ Now you are mine and forever mine. Don't you dare to look at other girls okay??
Musa ~ I promise that I won't look at other girls, I promise. (Laughing)

She look at him with a with a death glare.

Zeynep ~ Musa, I'm serious.

He laugh at her.

Musa ~ Okay, okay, I promise that I won't look at other girls.
Zeynep ~ PROMISED?? (Serious sound)
Musa ~ I promise my life, you're they only one that i love and i will only love you for the rest of my life and I will not look at other girls, don't worry okay. (Winks)
Zeynep ~ If you look at other girl, i will not talk to you again. (Sulking)
Musa ~ Aww, don't be like that, i was joking.

She ignored him. He tried to persuade her.

Musa ~ My life, look at me, look straight to my eyes, please?? (Persuading her)
Zeynep ~ Fine, what?? (She look straight to his eyes)
Musa ~ You're the only one that i love the most and will always love you until the end of my life. I already chose you so no matter what happens or how many girls that come to me, i will always look at you, only you my life. And promise me, no matter what happens we will always fight for our love together and never give up on our love okay??
Zeynep ~ I love you so much too my love, I don't want to lose you. I promise that no matter what will happen, i will fight for our love and never give up on our love too. I love you so much Musa Bayri.

They hugged and kissed each other. After a few minutes they already finished their conversation, they went to their car. Musa as usual, he opens the car's door for his fiancé and she went inside, he closed the door and he went to the other side, open the door and went inside. He closed the door and they drove off.

20 minutes later, they arrived at Zeynep's house. As usual, before Zeynep went out from his car, he told Zeynep that he love her so much and wish her good night and sweet dreams. Zeynep says I love you too and wish him good night and sweet dreams as well. They waved at each other, after Zeynep enter her house , he immediately drove off to his house. That's how the night end.


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