Chapter 13❤️

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In the evening.

The lovebirds are still sleeping in each other's arms until they being disturbed by someone knocking on their door. Musa wake up and went to the door and open it.

Musa ~ (Yawning) Yes mother??
Mother Emime ~ Gonca is crying, you need to wake Zeynep up cause she need to breastfeed her.
Musa ~ Alright mother, i will wake her up.

He takes Gonca from his mother arm and put her in his arm. He close the door and went to his bed. He slowly wake Zeynep up.

Musa ~ My life, Zeynep.
Zeynep ~ (Rubbing her eyes) Hm my love, why??
Musa ~ You need to breastfeed Gonca because she's hungry.
Zeynep ~ Okay my love.


~ 18+ (if you want to read, you can read, if not you can skip it)

She wake up and take Gonca from his arm and put Gonca in her arm. She lift her shirt up and open her bra and take her breast out from the bra. She put her nipple near to Gonca's mouth and she open her mouth and start to suck the nipple to drink the milk. Musa is watching her feeding her baby.

Musa ~ (Smirk at her) After Gonca, it's my turn.
Zeynep ~ (Look at him confused) What do you mean??
Musa ~ (With a naughty face) I mean, after Gonca, it's my turn to take over.
Zeynep ~ (Shocked) Ah, ah Musa, are you alright?? You're not a baby.
Musa ~ (Laugh) Yes, i know I'm not a baby but it's look so yummy and delicious. (He lick his lips)
Zeynep ~ (Look at him with a serious face) Musa, don't be like a baby here. It's only for Gonca and not for you.
Musa ~ (Laugh) Sharing is caring right?? I think it's enough for both of us.
Zeynep ~ (Slap his hand) Musa, don't be such ridiculous please.
Musa ~ (He laughs) Ah ah look, someone is angry here.
Zeynep ~ (Rolls her eyes) Musa, stop it, it's not funny okay.

A few minutes later, Gonca stop drinking her milk so she took her nipple out from her mouth and put her breast in her bra and button it. She slowly put Gonca beside her and she wanted to lay beside Gonca but Musa grab her hand.

Zeynep ~ What are you doing Musa??
Musa ~ (Smirk at her) I told you already right, after Gonca it's my turn??
Zeynep ~ (Angry) MUSA, don't be ridiculous. You're a grown up man and not a baby so please act like one.
Musa ~ (Shock) Ah, ah, what did you say?? You, you did not...
Zeynep ~ Well, i just did it sir. Enough don't be such a childish.

Zeynep lay beside Gonca and Musa went to Zeynep and climbed up to her.

Zeynep ~ (She in shock) Musa, what are you doing?? Are you out of your mind?? I just give birth, don't do it please. (She begged him)
Musa ~ (Make a sad face) Ah ah, how long should i wait??
Zeynep ~ (Smirk at him) You need to wait about a month.
Musa ~ (Shock) What?? A month??
Zeynep ~ (Smile at him) Yes, a month.
Musa ~ (Sighed) That's too long, how can I wait for a month??
Zeynep ~ (Laugh) It's just a month and not a year okay.
Musa ~ (Sighed) Okay, i will wait and i hope it will worth the wait.
Zeynep ~ (Smirk at him) Okay, i will make sure it will worth for you waited a month.
Musa ~ (He smile at her) Okay, we will see. (He bend over her and kiss her lips. She reciprocate his kiss.)


He get down from the bed and went straight to the toilet to take a shower. Zeynep is lying beside Gonca and watch her sleep.

Zeynep ~ (Smile) My beautiful daughter, i hope when you grow up, you will be a good and a beautiful girl. (She kiss her forehead and her cheek)

A few minutes later Musa came out from the toilet and went to his wardrobe to find a cloth and a pants to wear. After he finished, he went to Zeynep to help her up and he bring her to the toilet so she can take a shower. While she's taking a shower, he lay beside Gonca and talk to her.

Musa ~ (Smile) My little angel, i hope when you grown up you will be a good and a beautiful girl just like your mother.

Zeynep came out from the toilet and went to the wardrobe to find her clothes to wear. After she finished wear her clothes, she went to the bed and sit beside Gonca.

Musa ~ My life, did you want to eat?? If you want i will go to the kitchen and bring the food to you.
Zeynep ~ Yeah sure. I'm hungry.
Musa ~ Alright, you wait here.

He wake up from the bed and went to the kitchen to bring some food for Zeynep to eat. Mother Emine is in the kitchen preparing some food for the dinner and for Zeynep too.

Musa ~ Mother, what did you cook today for dinner??
Mother Emine ~ I have made some chicken soup, salad and menemen.
Musa ~ Wow, that's sound delicious.
Mother Emine ~ Here take some chicken soup and bring to Zeynep.
Musa ~ Alright mother.

He take some soup, rice and water and bring to his room.

Musa ~ Zeynep, here's your food. Come get up. (He put the food and water on the table and went to her to help her up and bring her to the table.)
Zeynep ~ It's look so delicious. (She eat the food and drink the water.) Thank you Musa, for bringing the food for me.
Musa ~ (Smile at her) Anything for you my life.

After she finished eating, he bring the food to the kitchen and sit at the dining table for a dinner with his family. After the dinner he went back to his room. He slowly open the door and saw his wife is sleeping with his daughter. He went in and slowly closed the door. He slowly walk to the bed and lay down beside Gonca. Suddenly Zeynep wake up.

Musa ~ My life, did i wake you up??
Zeynep ~ Ah, no, you didn't. I just wanted to talk to you about something.
Musa ~(Look at her with a curious face) What is it my life??
Zeynep ~ (Take a deep breath and exhale) I suddenly remember about Ali and Ayse. I'm scared if they will do something to make us fight with each other.
Musa ~ (Put his hand on her face) Don't worry my life, i will not allow them to do anything to us okay??
Zeynep ~ Okay. Let's sleep.
Musa ~ Alright. (He kiss her forehead and her lips, she reciprocate his kiss) Good night and sweet dreams my life.
Zeynep ~ (Smile at him) Good night and sweet dreams too my love.

They lay down on the bed and sleep together with Gonca sleeping in the middle.


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