"What about before that?"

                 "More parties, differing parties"

                 "Do your parents have jobs?"

                 "They did, they retired a bit ago"

                 "Huh, weird."

                 "Everyone seems to think so" that makes Blaze sputter out a laugh which makes Amy laugh.

                  "This Ice Cream tastes nice" Amy says sitting across from Amy on a picnic table outside eating ice cream.

                  "It's very good, I've had this ever since I was a small child."

                  "How have you lived here?"

                  "My entire life, 16 whole years."

                  "I lived in New York most of my life, Just moved to a different spot every few years"

                  "Okay, so did you reside more in the city or in the more rural areas?"

                  "Depended but mostly in the more rural parts, but sometimes in the city"


                  "Does your family travel much?"

                  "No, only reason we even leave the state is because of family."

                  "Wow, my family travels a lot."

                  "Where too?"

                  "Well my family went to California, Michigan, and Florida. Largely for work, so I was left alone..."


                   "Yeah mostly for business and my parents go far away sometimes. They seemingly remain in at the least the US now but still they go to a lot of places"

                    "...why do they-"

                    "This ice cream tastes really good, thanks for inviting me Blaze!" Amy says interrupting Blaze with a panicked look on her face.

                     "Your welcome..." Blaze says with a bad feeling in her head about Amy's parents and what they're responsible of.

                    "Walking around your town is fun!"


                    "What should we do next?"

                    "...Do you like libraries?"

                    "Do I EVER"

                    Amy and Blaze walk into the library. As soon as Amy sees it, she practically dashes into it after taking Blaze's hand. They go into it and start checking out books. In all the nooks and crannies of the library. Going up and down the stairs, looking for books old and new. Taking in all of the atmosphere of the rustic old library.

                    "I've been going to this ever since I was the little kid."

                    "Wow, has it changed at all?"

                    "Not a bit."

                    Blaze and Amy wonder around the library and read books. Talk to each other about their all time favorites, what books they had to read in school, and how much they like to read. Different questions about books to each other. Quizzing each other on books and any possible things they can read or do in the library. Going threw everything. Anything possibly. Living through the books and allowing them to live and be read. They stay there for a while. A long time. Just reading and hanging out with each other. Enjoying the silence and each others company.

                    They leave not checking out anything. The librarian would have been probably annoyed if anyone else actually came in. So they leave and talk about anything else that comes to mine. Walking and Talking. They keep doing things and walking in talking. Then the evening hits. Amy's still happy, she told Blaze she can do whatever she wants all day. So Blaze has her for as long as she needs. Blaze has to show Amy something.

                    Blaze has just one more thing, one last trick up her sleeve that Amy didn't plan with her, she planned it all by herself. Amy has no idea. A special surprise. A last minute detour. A final goodbye to the day in a sort of way. Something that Amy can truly remember. That's what she thinks at least. So she takes Amy's hand, to the latters surprise and runs for the hills, leaving the rest of the town behind in the dust.

The Sun Shines BrightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora