Chapter Thirty Two : Kevin

Start from the beginning

"And the baby.." I start, which makes me very sad.

"She was pregnant?" Chandler asks in shock, his mouth open almost.

"Yes," Max says "10 weeks pregnant" It makes me wonder what their baby would have been like, Kevin's sense of humor, Jordayne's kindness, their looks.

"Oh my god.." Chandler says, feeling emotional. He drags his hand down his face and exhales. "Wow"

It was nothing but silence until a familiar girl begins to shout out for attention.

"Who's that again?" I whisper over to Max, but since I'm surrounded by over 200 werewolves everyone probably heard me.

"My cousin Shay, Kevin's older sister. I think you met her at Harry and Tayler's party" It takes me a while to process all of that, It's been a long time since Harry and Tayler's party, It's been a while since I first met Harry and Taylor playing lazer tag with Max.

"Last time I talked with her, she wanted to meet you, brace yourself."

Everyone fell silent and the amount of black we were all wearing was depressing, but that's what funerals are like. Depressing.

"Hello everyone!" She shouts, standing on a platform for all the speakers, "Today is the day we honor my little brother Kevin Trent and his girlfriend Jordayne!" The wolves cheer as she lifts her glass of water up in tribute. I recall her having very long dark hair last time, now she has very short hair and looks more 'professional'.

"Now although Jordayne doesn't have any blood family here today, it shouldn't matter. Because this is her family, this pack." The wolves cheer on as Shay goes further into her speech.

"I also believe we are not saying our goodbyes to two people today, but three. All my sympathies and respects go to my little niece or nephew, that Jordayne was carrying." Shay begins to tear up, "But that's okay. Because these things happen, and now it is time to approach the deaths of these wonderful people, and not be sad because their lives are over, but be happy because of the lives they have lived!"

I really respect that, not being sad but cherishing the life they lived. Beautiful words.

"I love my brother with all my heart." She shakes "And it is very sad to see him go, at such a young age, but he died for this pack, and he will be remembered!"

Everyone nods in agreement, and so do I. "To Kevin!" She shouts.

"To Kevin!" We all repeat. I squeeze Max's hand quietly while Shay continues with her story.


Kevin's parents Vivian and Eric come away from the platform, in tears. Max lets go of my hand and shakes his arms, bracing himself. He takes a deep breathe and navigates his way through the crowd.

He stands still on the platform, and taps the mic, looking sad, worried and uneasy.

"Greetings everyone" Max says deeply into the mic, everyone smiles up at him in acknowledgment including myself. "As alpha of this pack, and the cousin of Kevin Trent, I would like to acknowledge everything Kevin has ever done in his short life, today." His voices shakes and his eyes are glossy. "At many stages of my life, Kevin was my best friend. He was a very good person, he has shaped me into the man and alpha I am today - without Kevin I don't know who I would be" I hear him breathe into the mic, and he looks up at the sky "I miss you Kev"

I don't know if it was because Max was alpha, or because people felt the need to, but everyone looked up with him.

"I'd like to thank the Goddess Artemis, for putting the odds in all of our favors, for letting us meet Kevin and Jordayne." Max begins speaking in Greek and a few members among the crowd speak with him.

I scan the crowd and see what feels like everyone I've ever known. I see Oliver and Claire together, Chandler and Max's uncle and aunt, Shay, Ian and Cassie with their little baby Eli, I see Zach and Uriah, Jack, Zara and even more people. But most importantly I see Max. Kevin was the one to push me towards Kevin, and I will always be grateful, I would do anything to bring him and Jordayne back.

"TO KEVIN!" Max shouts, a single tear slipping from his eye, and a flame erupts from no where, burning the bodies of Kevin and Jordayne.

No one speaks, they only watch.


I met many people before Max wanted to leave. I finally met Shay and she gave me a big warm hug and a welcome into the family along with her parents Viv and Eric. I met so many of Max's cousins like Shakira, Bianca, Leo and Jed. They were all siblings from Max's uncle Damen. I was introduced to baby Eli by Cassie and she let me hold him for a long time, that was until I realized she was making me carry him so she could get away. I gave him back to Ian before Max pulled me out of the room and asked to go home.

"You okay, Buddy?" I asked Max, placing my hand on his shoulder as I drove this time. Max seemed very down and quiet.

"I'm okay."

I kept rubbing his shoulder, just to let him know I'm here for him and he took my hand off him and squeezed it the whole way instead. We sat in complete silence the whole way back home until we locked the car and started walking up the driveway.

"I'm gonna take a shower," He told me, and I told him I'll be in our room.

Max went upstairs and into the shower straight away as I took my shoes off as soon as I entered the house. I let my hair loose and followed his steps up the stairs but into the bedroom. I removed my stockings and unhooked my bra.

"Ahh," I said feeling relieved.

I threw on a baggy shirt and sweatpants after removing my black skirt and blazer. I lay down, back on the bed thinking about everything.

Things are so different now, it was just months ago that I had hated Max and tried to run away. When I met Kevin, and the twins during laser tag, when I was attacked by that rogue at their party, and when I tried to escape so many times. I exhale thinking about how Claire and I have drifted a little, but I think it's okay because we weren't seeing each other regularly, and didn't have the chance to meet up during the day. I think of Jackson and how much I miss him, all the dreas and Elenour in particular. I still wonder what happened to Quinn the medic boy that I met during the battle, I think about the family that he had, and if they know anything about his whereabouts now. I am amazed at the person I have become over these very fast months and the people I have met, the things I have done . I smile, looking up at the dark blue ceiling to match with these dark blue bed sheets.

"What are you smiling at?" Max enters the room, with only a town around his waist, his abs and pecs dripping with hot water. Damn.

"Well that was a quick shower." I change the topic, avoiding talking about people like Kevin, his mood seems to have lifted a little now.

"I just couldn't wait to get back to you" He winks sarcastically but when he joins me on the bed I don't know how sarcastic he is anymore. He doesn't even look into my eyes, he just stares at my lips until he finally kisses me passionately, his thumb brushing against my jaw line as he rolls on top of me, his hands now spread on the bed. Thanks to gravity, his towel falls off and onto me.

"Opps.." Max says, throwing it off the bed.


i cAnT write sMut Ok!

btw idk why im so active over the last 3 days just really inspired you know idek


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