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Harry's P.O.V

Is it crazy of me to miss her already and I've only been gone three hours?

Other than making small talk with Olly and Theo, my mind has constantly been invaded by Aurora.

"You're thinking about her," Louis nudges my shoulder as we're walking side-by-side.

I glance at him briefly, keeping my eyes on the path, "How can you tell?"

"You're moving your fingers like crazy. Like they're itching to pick up a paintbrush," he gestures towards my hands. He's right. I've been subconsciously moving and twiddling with my fingers the entire time. "That's how I put together that you two were a thing again. Your fingers haven't stopped moving."

A smile appears on my lips as I glance at him again, "I wanted to tell you. I just didn't wanna draw your attention away from your wedding. We both decided against it until after you two were married."

"I figured," he nods his head with a smile. "And I appreciate it. But you could've told me. Liam is the one who would've made a big deal out of everything."

Fucking figures.

I only hum in response, not too keen on discussing the topic of Liam. "Did you even like Timothée?"

Louis scoffs and shakes his head, "Hell no. I never trusted him for a damn second. The way he just appeared out of the blue... it was all so odd."

"Why didn't you just tell Rora when you found out about him cheating on her with McKenna?" I ask him, wondering how they're still keeping the secret from her.

"Liam and him had a talk, and I guess they both agreed that if he never did it again, no one would ever tell her," he shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, I didn't agree and have been dying to tell her as soon as I found out. But I figured it wasn't my place and wasn't something I need to get involved in."

Glancing over my shoulder, I spot Timothée way in the back. Why did he even come? The only one who has really been talking to him is Olly and occasionally Theo, so I doubt they even know what he's done.

"How did you even find out about it?" I ask, asking the questions I should've asked the first time around instead of losing my shit and using Tim as a punching bag.

"We had all been drinking one night, and Rory decided to go to bed early. You know how she gets when she drinks," Louis explains. I nod my head, smiling over how she always immediately gets sleepy and extra lovey. "Anyway, Timmy had been typing like crazy on his phone the second she left. He had been drinking the most out of all of us, and he just... said it? Like he was proud or something. Liam had to hold me back from pummeling his ass right then and there."

I snort at the thought of Louis trying to fight Timothée, "I wouldn't have minded if you rocked his shit."

"Trust me, I wanted to. But Liam made me cool down and go to another room while he talked to him. And after that, it was just never brought up again," he finishes with a shrug. "I feel like a complete asshole for never telling her, and it eats at me every time I see her."

"Never telling her what?" Niall pops in.

After finding out Niall speaks French and getting to know him a bit better, I've found myself actually enjoying him being around. I didn't wanna listen to Rora when she first told me I would like him. I didn't, and still don't, like how touchy and bubbly he is around her. But just like Rora said, he's not that bad and we definitely do get along.

Niall observes how me and Louis give each other a look, "Is this about whatever Timmy boy did to Rory? Because she mentioned it but said she didn't know what." I roll my lips into my mouth, trying to cover a smile. "Just tell me. That way I can finally have a good enough reason to dislike him, other than the bad vibes he gives off."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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