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"Come with us."

Tim rolls his eyes for the tenth time this morning, shaking his head, "Aurora, no. I already told you I can't, baby."

"Timmy, please. I'm begging you," I take his hands in mine and draw them to my chest. "If I spend all day alone with him, I promise you I'm going to be coming back with tears in my eyes. It'll be awkward and- and you know how I get during awkward situations-"

Tim places his hand gently over my mouth with a small smile spread across his lips, "Beauty. Calm down." I take a deep breath and let my tense shoulders drop, looking at him with a defeated expression in my eyes. "You two need this. You need this. I'm only a call away, my love. Don't think of it as two exes getting together... Think of it as two old friends finally spending time with each other again."

I rip his hand away from my mouth, eyes narrowing into thin slits, "Are you serious? Do you know how hard that's going to be considering that these two 'old friends' have fucked and were once desperately in love with each other?"

He cringes away from me and shivers slightly in disgust, "Did you have to mention the fucking part?"

"You asked for it," my arms cross in front of my chest. "Want me to go into detail? Because I can tell you all about-"

"Yeah, let's not," Timmy cuts me off and shoots me an annoyed look. "Look, Aurora. If you keep acting like this, you're only going to keep making it worse for yourself. Act normal and stop stressing everything."

He's right and I know it. I'm making it worse for myself. But how can I not slightly stress about these kinds of things? I'm going to be spending all day with him most likely, so why shouldn't I be allowed to be a little bit uneasy?

"Stressing is kind of my thing here lately if you haven't noticed," I reply with an annoyed tone clipped to my voice. "This entire month is going to be stressful and awkward for me."

His eyebrows furrow together and he shakes his head, "Why? Why can't you just let things go as they come? It's not the end of the fucking world, Aurora. He's just your ex." I open my mouth to say something, but he beats me to it, "And bringing up the fucking part? That was low. Way too low. I've never seen you act like this or say such hurtful things before."

My heart cracks in my chest, and I take a step back, taking in his words and knowing they're true.

"I'd like to see you spend an entire day with your ex," I huff under my breath, turning around to find my shoes and forcing myself not to cave into my aching heart.

He's quiet for a few moments as I slip them on my feet, small amounts of anger lingering in the air between us. We usually don't get mad or upset with each other. This is the first semi-argument we've had in months. But with my stress levels through the roof, I can't help but snap at him. And I feel awful for it.

"I don't think I'd have a problem with it, Aurora," he finally responds once I stand up from putting on my shoes. I turn to meet his eyes that are filled with a hidden emotion.

"Why not?" My hand reaches for the doorknob, not bothering with kissing him goodbye like I always do.

A few beats of silence. A deep breath. And then...

"Because I'm not in love with her anymore."

I leave before he can say another word.


Anger simmers around me as I ride in the car with Harry, not having said a single word to him yet. I keep replaying Tim and I's argument in my head, cursing myself for acting like that and leaving him standing there without a second glance or kiss goodbye. It hurts me and I blame it all on myself.

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