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I'm genuinely not ready for what I'm about to endure.

"You run away and spend the day with him?" Timothée spits in my face, causing me to cringe away and shrink into Harry's chest from where he's standing behind me.

God, I really wish we never would've come back.

"You ran away from me. Harry talked me down and actually listened to me," I reply, hiding the shakiness in my voice. "If you didn't want me to be with him, you wouldn't have left."

"Or, you could've come after me," he snaps quickly, eyeing the way I'm standing so close to Harry.

Harry's chest is heaving up and down at an abnormal rhythm, and I know it won't be long before I'm having to hold him back from hitting Timothée again.

"Why would I want to chase after you after you called me fucking crazy?" I cross my arms over my chest and take a brave step forward, spotting Liam and Louis sit up straighter in their place on the couch where they're watching the scene unfold.

Timmy had been all in my face the second Harry and I walked through the door, steam practically pouring from his ears and his face redder than a tomato.

Apparently, he'd been here the entire time and was waiting for me to come back. And when I didn't, he kept calling my phone, only to later realize I wasn't going to answer. When Liam and Louis came home and he found out I was with Harry, he'd trashed the entire house.

Needless to say, he lost his temper and I've never been more scared of him. I've never seen him this way before.

"Because you were acting that way!" He yells, causing me to jump slightly. "How the fuck does someone not realize they've had a daydream? And why would you even daydream about that?"

Good point. Why would I daydream about kissing Harry while I'm with Tim? My subconscious had concluded it's because I'm falling in love with Harry again, and I actually agreed. I had realized it while I was hugging Harry after calling him my Capolavoro.

And the rest of the day we've just spent together proves that realization even more. I'm falling in love with him again even though I know I shouldn't be. But how can I not? Like Harry had said, I'm his person. He's my person.

"And what's with the stupid fucking flower crowns and braids in your hair?" Timothée's eyes flick across the top of my head and Harry's.

Louis snorts from his place on the couch and Liam smacks his shoulder, Timmy's eyes cutting over to them to throw them both an evil glare. "Sorry. Proceed," Louis hides his smile behind his hand.

Tim rounds on me again, eyes bloodshot with anger, "What did you two do for the five fucking hours you were gone?"

"That's none of your fucking business," Harry finally speaks and I glance over my shoulder to see his hands curled into fists by his sides.

"Excuse me?" Timothée laughs sarcastically and takes a step forward. "It's none of my business? Please tell me how it's none of my business about what my girlfriend has been doing behind my back?"

Harry's nostrils flare angrily and a fake grin twitches at his lips, "You want to talk about doing things behind people's backs? Why don't you enlighten Aurora about what you've been doing behind her back."

I switch my gaze back to Timmy, seeing a look of panic flash through his eyes, "What? What have you been doing, Timothée?"

"Nothing," he shakes his head quickly, and for once, I find myself actually wanting to know what he did. "If you don't want to tell me, fine. Don't tell me. But don't expect me to just decide you two didn't do anything wrong."

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