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The man who I haven't seen in two years. Who I left alone in Paris with nothing but a note. The man who told me to move on and find happiness without him.

And now that I have, am I sure it's what he really wanted? Did he want me to move on, or did he want me to wait for him?

But what if he's moved on as well? Is there a possibility he's found happiness and true love in someone else?

Throwing myself down on the soft grass, my back quickly meets the ground as my eyes dance across the blue sky, trying to unwind and not think about him. But that seems impossible to do when I have so many thoughts and questions running rampant through my mind.

And what about Timothée? I've told him about my relationship with Harry and how big of an impact he left on me. It's the main reason why Timmy and I didn't start officially dating until a year after we'd known each other. I was never ready and yet he waited for me. What if I see Harry again and feel that love I once felt for him come rushing back to the surface?

Stupid, stupid boys and relationships.

Closing my eyes, the last time I saw Harry flashes through my memory. Seeing him lying there asleep on the bed, our handprints still lingering on the glass, his hair splayed messily across the pillows. His discarded clothes strewn across the floor and the only hint that I'd ever been there being a note and the faint scent of flowers and honey in the air. How could I leave him like that? What did he think when he woke up and saw I wasn't there? Did he think it was all a dream?

So many questions and so few answers.

The sound of a car engine starting makes me cringe, knowing it's Louis leaving to go pick him up from the airport.

Thirty minutes.

I release a deep breath, the knot in my chest loosening slightly from the small action. That is until another thought passes through my mind.

We're going to have to work side-by-side to make sure the wedding goes off smoothly.


But maybe it won't be so bad. It's not like we don't get along and it's not like we hate each other... yet? I don't know what his reaction is going to be when he finds out I'm with Timmy, or what my reaction will be if I find out he's with another girl.

What I'm scared of is letting those long-lost emotions take over me when I see him and I end up leaving Timothée behind. I can't do that to him. Not after everything I've put him through. All of the nights where I cried myself to sleep or felt uncontrollable waves of guilt.

I laugh to myself a bit when I realize the irony. When I was with Harry, it was Niall. Now I'm with Timmy, and it's Harry.

Maybe I don't deserve to be in a relationship at this point. God, I'm an awful person.

How am I expected to survive this next month? With the stress of helping plan the wedding and get everything ready, I'll now have to worry about both Harry and Timothée.

"Hi, Beauty," Timmy's voice startles me and I snap my eyes open to see him looking down at me with a smile. "Mind if I join you?"

Reaching my hand for his, I pull him down beside me and keep our hands intertwined as he lays in the grass with me, "Sure, Principe."

"What's going on in here?" He asks as he softly taps my forehead.

"Everything," I sigh and turn to look at him with sad eyes. "What about you?"

"You," he smiles, running his thumb across the back of my hand.

My heart melts slightly as some of my jumbled thoughts leave my mind. He tends to help me through things like this. My emotional breakdowns over Harry I used to have when we first met, and then when we first started dating. He was always understanding and never once threatened to leave me.

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